ECMO and Coagulation Test Correlation
This Concise Critical Appraisal explores a recent retrospective review that analyzed clusters of simultaneously performed coagulation tests in critica...
Guidelines on Adult Critical Care Ultrasonography: Focused Update 2024
Critical care ultrasonography (CCUS) is rapidly evolving with new evidence ...
SCCM Pod-523 CCM: Clinical Predictors of Seizures in ICU Patients
Host Elizabeth H. Mack, MD, MS, FCCM, is joined by Samuel Snider, MD, and Michael Fong, MD, to discuss a retrospective cohort study that examined fact...
Breathing Easier: Evolving Strategies in Ventilator Liberation Guidelines
This Concise Critical Appraisal discusses the major changes to the ventilator liberation guidelines, including completing spontaneous breathing trials...
Utility of Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients With Large Infarct Cores
This Concise Critical Appraisal explores a study that evaluated the clinical outcomes of patients with large infarct cores and Alberta Stroke Program ...
Vital Role of Clinician-Patient Communication: An SCCM Member’s Story
SCCM member Amy Tschirhart, MSN, APRN, CPNP-AC, shares how her own story of multiple ICU stays has influenced her practice as a pediatric ICU nurse pr...
Management of the Potential Organ Donor in the ICU
This document was developed through the collaborative efforts of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the American College of Chest Physicians, and ...
Bedside General and Cardiac Ultrasonography in the Evaluation of Critically Ill Patients - Part I
Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Bedside General and Cardiac Ultrasonography in the Evaluation of Critically Ill Patients—Part I: General U...
Appropriate Use of Bedside General and Cardiac Ultrasonography in the Evaluation of Critically Ill Patients: Part II
Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Bedside General and Cardiac Ultrasonography in the Evaluation of Critically Ill Patients—Part II: Cardiac ...
Concise Critical Appraisal: Timing of Prone Positioning During Venovenous ECMO for ARDS
This Concise Critical Appraisal explores a meta-analysis showing that prone positioning is beneficial for patients meeting criteria for venovenous ext...
Increased Mental Disorder Diagnoses in Children After Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
This Concise Critical Appraisal highlights an article in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine that sought to determine the association between in...
2022 Critical Care Congress Plenary: What Has COVID-19 Taught Us About ECMO?
Peta M.A. Alexander, MBBS, FRACP, FCICM, will present the Max Harry Weil Memorial Lecture titled, "What Has COVID-19 Taught Us About ECMO?&q...
Effect of Bougie Versus Endotracheal Tube With Stylet on Successful Tracheal Intubation
Tracheal intubation is a high-risk procedure that is frequently performed in the emergency department and intensive care unit. Failure of first-pass s...
Concise Critical Appraisal: Rapid Implementation of an Intensivist-Led VV ECMO Cannulation Program
This Concise Critical Appraisal explores an article published in Critical Care Medicine on a program at Cooper University Hospital in Camden,...
Concise Critical Appraisal: Improving Training for Invasive Bedside Procedures
Invasive bedside procedures (IBPs) require a high degree of familiarity and skillful expertise. Yet effective and thorough bedside training can be hap...
Concise Critical Appraisal: Cardiac Ultrasound in Pediatric Septic Shock Assessment
How can clinical information gleaned from focused cardiac ultrasound (FCU) be used to augment clinical assessments in children with suspected septic s...
Concise Critical Appraisal: Development of the CCEeXAM
Bedside echocardiography has become increasingly widespread among physicians caring for critically ill patients. The Examination of Special Competence...
Concise Critical Appraisal: Planning and Provision of ECMO for Severe ARDS From COVID-19
This Concise Critical Appraisal explores a Lancet Respiratory Medicine article by Ramanathan et al, which outlines how to plan for extracorpo...
Concise Critical Appraisal: The Efficacy of ECMO for Severe ARDS
Combes et al (N Engl J Med. 2018;378:1965-1975) set out to determine whether the use of ECMO reduced mortality in patients with ARDS when defined by o...
SCCM Pod-482 PCCM: The Cost of Compliance: Restrictive Practices in the PICU
Maureen A. Madden, DNP, RN, CPNP-AC, CCRN, FCCM, is joined by Katherine Steffen, MD, MHS, to discuss the clinical and economic impacts of compliance w...
SCCM Pod-481: Everything You Need to Know About Critical Care Ultrasound
For more than 10 years, the Society of Critical Care Medicine has offered an in-person critical care ultrasound course interspersing lectures with int...
SCCM Pod-488: Getting to the Heart of the National Board of Echocardiography Examination
The National Board of Echocardiography has developed an examination to assess echocardiography and ultrasound skills, which are required by many medic...
SCCM Pod-478: Challenges of Ill-Fitting Noninvasive Interfaces for Pediatric Patients
Although the variety of noninvasive interfaces for pediatric patients has grown in the past 10 years, they are still limited. Donald S. Prough, MD, FC...
SCCM Pod-476 CCM: The Evolving Story of the Pulmonary Artery Catheter
From the earliest days of critical care medicine, the importance of measuring cardiac output and hemodynamic monitoring were recognized in understandi...
SCCM Pod-459: Processed EEG Monitoring in the ICU
This podcast educates clinicians on the unfamiliar parameters of processed EEG. Host Pamela M. Peeke, MD, MPH, FACP, FACSM, is joined by Meghan B. Lan...
SCCM Pod-84 CCM: Economic Evaluation of Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation
Christopher Cox, MD, and Shannon Carson, MD, discuss an article published in the August 2007 issue of Critical Care Medicine, titled "An economic...
SCCM Pod-99 Congress Preview: Mechanical Ventilation Modes
Richard D. Branson, RRT, FCCM, discusses his two upcoming presentations for the 38th Critical Care Congress, The Modes of Mechanical Ventilation and M...
SCCM Pod-125 Focus on the Team: Acute Critical Care Surgery
Michael West, MD, PhD, FCCM, discusses his unique career path into critical care and his background as a trauma/critical care surgeon.
SCCM Pod-128 Patient Management After Cardiac Surgery
Anthony Carlese, MD, DO, discusses management of the patient after cardiac surgery, specifically his approach to caring for patients in the ICU who ha...
SCCM Pod-132 The Future of Acute Care Surgery
Lewis J. Kaplan, MD, FCCM, discusses acute care surgery, its relation to surgical critical care, and his predictions for the future of acute care surg...
SCCM Pod-142 PCCM: Helping Mechanically Ventilated Infants Swallow
Steven B. Leder, PhD, discusses his article, “Dysphagia Testing and Aspiration Status in Medically Stable Infants Requiring Mechanical Ventilati...
SCCM Pod-150 PCCM: Blood Transfusion and Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation
Ravi Thiagarajan, MD, MBBS, MPH, discusses his article published in the January Pediatric Critical Care Medicine titled, “Blood Transfusion is A...
SCCM Pod-163 PCCM: Central ECMO Leads to Better Survival in Children
Graeme MacLaren, MD, FCCM, is the lead author on an article published in the March Pediatric Critical Care Medicine titled, “Central Extracorpor...
SCCM Pod-170 PCCM: Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy During ECMO
Matthew Paden, MD, discusses his Pediatric Critical Care Medicine article, “Recovery of Renal Function and Survival After Continuous Renal Repla...
SCCM Pod-181 CCM: Lip-Reading and the Ventilated Patient
Michael S. Weinstein, MD, FACS, FCCP, speaks with Ellen Cowen Meltzer, MD, MSc, about her article published in the May 2012 Critical Care Medicine.
SCCM Pod-196 CCM: Training Residents Effectively in Mechanical Ventilation
Michael Weinstein speaks with Ewan Goligher, MD, FRCPC, lead author on an article published in the October Critical Care Medicine, “Core Compete...
SCCM Pod-197 CCM: Sedative Doses, Mechanical Ventilation and Delirium
Michael Weinstein, MD, FACS, FCCP, speaks with Christopher W. Seymour, MD, MSc, lead author on an article published in the October Critical Care Medic...
SCCM Pod-200 PCCM: Mechanical Ventilation Use in Children with 2009 H1N1 Versus Seasonal Influenza
Margaret Parker, MD, FCCM, speaks with Carl O. Eriksson, MD, MPH, lead author on an article published in the November Pediatric Critical Care Medicine...
SCCM Pod-209: ECMO in Pediatric Critical Care
Margaret Parker, MD, FCCM, speaks with Heidi J. Dalton, MD, FCCM, about extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in pediatric critical care. Dalton ...
SCCM Pod-230: Pulmonary Artery Catheters in ICU Patients
Michael Weinstein, MD, FACS, FCCP, speaks with Hayley Beth Gershengorn, MD, lead author on an article published in the August Critical Care Medicine, ...
SCCM Pod-250 Reducing Blood Testing in Pediatric Patients After Heart Surgery: A Quality Improvement
Margaret Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with Claudia Delgado-Corcoran, MD, MPH, about the article, “Reducing Blood Testing in Pediatric Patients After...
SCCM Pod-255 44th Critical Care Congress: Ultrasound Credentialing
Michael Weinstein, MD, FACS, FCCP, discusses ultrasound credentialing with Michael Blaivas, MD, FAIUM, FACEP, at the 44th Critical Care Congress in Ph...
SCCM Pod-258 Extubation During Pediatric ECMO: A Single-Center Experience
Margaret Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with James Thomas, MD, about the article, “Extubation During Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A ...
SCCM Pod-273 Basic Critical Care Echocardiography by Pulmonary Fellows
Todd Fraser, MD, speaks with Kay Choong See, MRCP, about the article, “Basic Critical Care Echocardiography by Pulmonary Fellows: Learning Traje...
SCCM Pod-274 Tissue Oxygen Saturation and Finger Perfusion Index in Central Hypovolemia: Influence o
Ludwig Lin, MD, speaks with Lars O. Hoiseth, MD, about the article “Tissue Oxygen Saturation and Finger Perfusion Index in Central Hypovolemia: ...
SCCM Pod-280 Evolution of Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Use in the PICU
Margaret Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with Andrea Wolfler, MD, about the article, “Evolution of Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Use: A Cohort St...
SCCM Pod-283 Transfusion Triggers for Guiding RBC Transfusion for Cardiovascular Surgery
Michael S. Weinstein, MD, FACS, FCCM, speaks with C. David Mazer, MD, FRCPC, and Gerard F. Curley, MB, MSc, PhD, FCARCSI, about the article, “Tr...
SCCM Pod-289 Intraosseous Versus Central Venous Catheter Utilization and Performance During Inpatien
Todd Fraser, MD, speaks with Peter Lee, MD, MHS, about the article “Intraosseous Versus Central Venous Catheter Utilization and Performance Duri...
SCCM Pod-296 Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Bedside General and Cardiac Ultrasonography
Ludwig Lin, MD, speaks with Michael Blaivas, MD, FACEP, FAIUM, about the article, “Guidelines for the appropriate use of bedside general and car...
SCCM Pod-297 Extubation Failure in the Pediatric Cardiac ICU: A Report From the Pediatric Cardiac Cr
Margaret Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with Michael Gaies, MD, about the article, “Clinical Epidemiology of Extubation Failure in the Pediatric Cardi...
SCCM Pod-304 Implementation of Continuous Capnography Is Associated with a Decreased Utilization of
Margaret Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with Courtney M. Rowan, MD, about the article, “Implementation of Continuous Capnography Is Associated with a ...
SCCM Pod-323 Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Bedside General and Cardiac Ultrasonography — Par
Todd Fraser, MD, speaks with Alexander B. Levitov, MD, FCCM, FCCP, RDCS, about the article, “Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Bedside Gener...
SCCM Pod-333 Ultrasound Guidance and Other Determinants of Successful Peripheral Artery Catheterizat
Margaret Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with David B. Kantor, MD, PhD, about the article, “Ultrasound Guidance and Other Determinants of Successful Pe...
SCCM Pod-416 COVID-19 Learning: Multiple Patients on a Single Ventilator
In a situation where ventilators are in short supply, multiple patients on a single ventilator could be a strategy of last resort. In this podcast, Ar...
SCCM Pod-428 Endotracheal Tube Size and Aspiration
Each year, approximately 790,000 patients in the United States develop acute respiratory failure that requires intubation and mechanical ventilation. ...
SCCM Pod-437 Enteral Feeding Intolerance in the Mechanically Ventilated Critically Ill
Enteral feed intolerance occurs frequently during enteral nutrition delivery in the critically ill and is associated with lower enteral nutrition deli...
SCCM Pod-443 How the Pneumonia Panel Aids in Antimicrobial Stewardship and in the Fight Against COVI
BioFire® FilmArray® is the latest in technologies for rapidly identifying pathogens that cause Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (LRTI)....
Mechanical Circulatory Support With ECPR
Does adding mechanical circulatory support to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) lead to better outcomes than ECMO alone? This Concise Critica...
SCCM Members Extend Commitment to Ukrainian Clinicians
A multiprofessional group of SCCM members trained more than 300 clinicians in September, returning to Lviv, Ukraine to provide Fundamental Critical Ca...