Membership and Community

Demonstrate your dedication to critical care and securing the highest-quality care for all critically ill and injured patients with Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) membership.

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About SCCM Membership

Join a supportive community of critical care clinicians who share the goal of improving care for critically ill and injured patients. Network with SCCM’s mulitiprofessional membership, build leadership skills, and increase and assess your industry knowledge.


Specialty Sections and Knowledge Education Groups

Get involved, be inspired, and help advance the specialties that matter most to you by joining up to three specialty sections or an informal knowledge education group available only to members.

Committees and Volunteer Opportunities

Advance critical care, improve patient care, and unlock new leadership opportunities by joining SCCM’s Creative Community.


Connect with critical care clinicians in your geographic area. SCCM has 18 local chapters spread across the United States.

Career and Leadership

Grow professionally and advance your career with SCCM’s unique professional development opportunities.


Stay informed on the latest developments in clinical breakthroughs and critical care research. Receive Critical Care Medicine monthly when you become an SCCM Professional or Select member.


Receive discounts on the education and resources you need to provide the best patient care. Attend SCCM’s Critical Care Congress or assess your knowledge for less.


Standards of Professional Conduct

The expectations for member behavior applies to all members and all Society activities.
