Standards of Professional Conduct

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The following outlines the expectations for member behavior and is gathered from a variety of Council and member approved documents including the Bylaws, Strategic Plan, and various policies contained in the Policy Manual.  It applies to all members and all Society activities. 
SCCM is committed to creating a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all members and staff and is dedicated to providing a harassment-free environment for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, or religion. SCCM does not tolerate harassment in any form.

SCCM members commit to:
•    Cultivating and promoting a harassment-free environment.
•    Ensuring an environment of inclusivity.
•    Behaving ethically, honestly, and compassionately.
•    Demonstrating leadership. 
•    Achieving the best possible outcome for each patient.
•    Serving patients, their families, and the public.
•    Promoting care delivery by integrated teams of dedicated experts.

Should a member be found to have violated these commitments, he/she  may be expelled, suspended or censured based on a good faith determination by the Council, or a committee or a person authorized by the Council to make such a determination, that the member has engaged in conduct materially and seriously prejudicial to SCCM’s purposes and interests. The Council may give the member an opportunity to be heard, either in person or in writing at its discretion, prior to such action becoming final.

Professional Misconduct Allegations 

SCCM maintains three unique processes for the handling of various types of allegations of professional misconduct as they relate to SCCM activities. They are:

  • Conflicts of Interest: academic bias or financial/industry influence 
  • Research Misconduct: fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results 
  • General Misconduct: all other types of professional misconduct including but not limited to failure to adhere to SCCM’s Standards of Professional Conduct; loss/limitation of professional licensure, hospital privileges or professional certifications; termination of employment for professional misconduct; criminal convictions; harassment; discrimination; dishonesty; fraud; deceit or misrepresentation; or any other conduct materially and seriously prejudicial to SCCM’s purposes and interests. 

Professional conduct complaints of any type must be directly related to an SCCM activity. SCCM does not process complaints that allege grievances between members such as those often seen in expert witness testimonies or that did not occur and are not related to SCCM activities. Professional conduct allegations may be brought to SCCM only by members about SCCM members.  

Confidentiality: All complaints of professional misconduct are managed by trained professional staff, legal counsel and other experts retained for this purpose by SCCM. Complaints remain strictly confidential until it is determined that the allegations meet the above SCCM criteria.  At this point the complainant’s identity may be revealed to the accused, senior SCCM leaders who are assigned to adjudicate the complaint and to the SCCM Council depending upon the nature of the allegation. 


  1. Complete the online form below by selecting the Professional Conduct Type alleged, along with your contact information and your SCCM membership ID number. Alternatively, you may call or write to SCCM Headquarters directed to the CEO, Staff Attorney or Human Resources Manager. SCCM does not process anonymous complaints.  
  2. A trained member of our team will contact you by phone to discuss the details of your allegation. A formal allegation statement will be developed which you will be asked to sign.  
  3. Documentation and other evidence will be gathered. Witnesses may be interviewed. 
  4. The accused will be contacted without revealing your identity to inform them of the allegation and to collect further information. A statement from the accused will be developed and the accused will be asked to sign.  
  5. Depending on the type of alleged misconduct, the SCCM President, Journal Editor, Program Chair will review a comprehensive report of the investigation and statements, and determine if the complaint is substantiated. They will assign the matter to a group of senior SCCM leaders to review the documentation in more detail and make recommendations on disposition of the complaint. 
  6. The reviewing body may call witnesses and gather additional information and the accused will be given the opportunity to respond to them directly in writing, by telecommunication (phone, video conference, etc.) or in-person and/or be represented by counsel. 
  7. The CEO will inform the accused in writing of the decision on the matter, as well as the accused’s right to appeal the decision to the SCCM Council. 
  8. If the allegation of professional misconduct is substantiated and the acts are materially and seriously prejudicial to SCCM’s purposes and interests, the Society may take any action it deems appropriate, which may include but is not limited to:    
    • Retraction of offending material/publication
    • Removal from volunteer service temporarily or permanently
    • Removal of previous awards or recognitions 
    • Public censure   
    • Removal of Fellowship in the American College of Critical Care Medicine  
    • Removal of Membership in the Society temporarily or permanently 
    • Exclusion from future participation in SCCM events or activities 

Professional Misconduct Allegation Submission Form
