
Collaborate with leaders and practitioners in your geographic area, share knowledge, and make a difference in critical care.

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The 18 Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) chapters across the United States provide venues for members to exchange information, network with local critical care practitioners, and discuss the impact of national issues on their communities.

SCCM Sponsored Fellows can join chapters at no charge. The fee will be waived once you are logged in to the SCCM online store.

Apply to be part of your chapter’s executive committee.

Apply to be part of your chapter’s executive committee.

Connect at local events with critical care professionals who live and practice in your area.

Connect at local events with critical care professionals who live and practice in your area.

Showcase your research findings to peers, gaining recognition.

Showcase your research findings to peers, gaining recognition.


Network and Collaborate With Your Local Chapter

SCCM chapters are multiprofessional organizations composed of critical care practitioners whose purpose is to foster collaboration among clinicians at a regional level to enhance patient care. Chapter members include physicians, nurses, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, physician assistants, and other healthcare professionals. 

Join a chapter by logging in. Navigate to My Account and under Membership, you will be able to add a chapter.

Use SCCM Connect, SCCM’s online discussion forum, to connect with your chapter. 

Below are links to the chapter SCCM Connect pages, where you can learn more about each chapter.

Carolinas/Virginias Chapter
North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia

North Central Chapter
Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, 
and Wisconsin

Northeast Chapter
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, 
New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont

Southeast Chapter
Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, 
Mississippi, and Tennessee

Midwest Chapter
Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri

Don't see a Chapter in your region?

Find out how to start one!

Download the Guide


Need Help?

For additional information regarding Chapters, contact Dominika Skarka.

Chapters are separate legal entities that have their own articles of incorporation and bylaws.
