Sponsored Trainee Program

SCCM offers free membership to those in designated critical care training programs.

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Program directors of accredited critical care training programs who maintain a Professional or Select membership with SCCM may enroll their students in the Sponsored Trainee Program. Trainees receive the benefits of Professional membership at no cost if they are part of a designated critical care training program.*

Provide your students the opportunity to connect with world-renowned critical care experts and the resources they need to stay up to date.

Enroll Today

If your program is already enrolled in the SCCM Sponsored Trainee Program, please visit mysccm.org. You will have a Trainee Memberships option on the top click there to add, edit, or remove trainees in your program roster. 


Sponsored Trainee Program Benefits

  • Subscription to Critical Connections
  • Membership in up to three specialty sections
  • Networking with other critical care professionals on SCCM Connect
  • Opportunity to join a local chapter at no cost
  • Discounts of up to 25% on SCCM educational programs and resources
  • Volunteer opportunities in the Creative Community in Critical Care
  • Eligibility to apply for grants and preferred awards
  • Much more

View Full Details on the Benefits of Membership

Member Benefits


Sponsored Trainee Program Criteria

Within the United States

All physician assistant and nurse practitioner programs are encouraged to apply regardless of accreditation status. SCCM will handle these applications and approvals on a case-by-case basis.

Outside the United States

Critical care-focused training programs located outside the United States are approved individually based on local accreditation standards in their country. Please contact the Sponsored Trainee Program at sponsoredmembership@sccm.org for more information.


If you are currently enrolled in a critical care training program, speak with your program director about joining SCCM. Learn more about SCCM membership.

Sponsored Trainee Program Portal

If you are interested in enrolling in the SCCM Sponsored Trainee Program, begin the program enrollment process. Once your enrollment is complete, the SCCM team will work with you to ensure that you can enroll your trainees to start receiving member benefits.

All programs are encouraged to apply. SCCM reviews each application on a case-by-case basis.

If your program is already enrolled in the SCCM Sponsored Trainee Program, please visit mysccm.org. You will have a Trainee Memberships option on the top click there to add, edit, or remove trainees in your program roster.

*Sponsored trainees enjoy Professional member benefits, except for making motions, voting, and holding office. Sponsored trainees do not receive the Critical Care Medicine journal.
