Critical Care Medicine Journal

Critical Care Medicine is the leading journal in critical care and the official peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine.

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Critical Care Medicine (CCM), the official journal of SCCM, provides practitioners with clinical breakthroughs that lead to better care for critically ill and injured patients. CCM offers the latest promising research as well as advances in equipment and techniques and is a must-read publication for those who treat critically ill or injured patients.

Latest ArticlesFor AuthorsSubmit a Manuscript

2023 Impact Factor: 7.7

Submit to a journal committed to publishing only the highest-quality scientific studies.Access clinical articles, scientific investigations, and solicited reviews.Read articles covering all aspects of acute and emergency care.

The Latest from CCM

Get video insights about the latest issue of CCM! Editor-in-Chief Jonathan E. Sevransky, MD, MHS, FCCM, hosts a conversation about new research and journal updates.

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CCM Podcasts

SCCM Pod-533 CCM: Updated Brain Death Guidance: What Critical Care Teams Need to Know


SCCM Pod-533 CCM: Updated Brain Death Guidance: What Critical Care Teams Need to Know

Host Diane C. McLaughlin, DNP, AGACNP-BC, CCRN, FCCM, welcomes Matthew Kirschen, MD, PhD, FAAN, FNCS, to discuss what critical care professionals need to know about determining brain death/death by ne...

SCCM Pod-526 CCM: Alteplase Dosing in Pulmonary Embolism


SCCM Pod-526 CCM: Alteplase Dosing in Pulmonary Embolism

Host Samantha Gambles Farr, MSN, AG-ACNP, FNP-C, RNFA, is joined by Roman Melamed, MD, to discuss the comparative effectiveness of reduced-dose versus full-dose alteplase for acute pulmonary embolism,...

SCCM Pod-523 CCM: Clinical Predictors of Seizures in ICU Patients


SCCM Pod-523 CCM: Clinical Predictors of Seizures in ICU Patients

Host Elizabeth H. Mack, MD, MS, FCCM, is joined by Samuel Snider, MD, and Michael Fong, MD, to discuss a retrospective cohort study that examined factors such as cardiac arrest, brain neoplasms, and E...

For Authors

SCCM is committed to publishing the highest-quality scientific studies in the field. Submit your research to a leading critical care journal.

Editorial LeadershipSubmit a ManuscriptPolicies
Jonathan E. Sevransky, MD, MHS, FCCM

Jonathan E. Sevransky, MD, MHS, FCCM

Critical Care Medicine Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Sevransky is a professor of medicine, eminent physician, and associate division director for critical care in the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. At Emory, he also serves as site director of critical care and MICU director at Emory University Hospital within the Emory Critical Care Center. His clinical, research, mentoring, educational, and administrative responsibilities are focused on improving the care of patients with life-threatening illness.

Additional Resources

Reviewer Academy

Reviewer Academy

The SCCM Reviewer Academy contains a series of five educational modules to teach, standardize, and ultimately improve the quality of reviews of manuscripts submitted to SCCM journals. Developed with the editors of SCCM journals, this course creates a structured curriculum for trainees and junior faculty to introduce review processes, develops skills required for high-quality reviews, and better defines a path to incorporate this voluntary academic work into a wider variety of professional roles.

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