Critical Care Quick Study

Critical Care Quick Study

Submit critical care microlearning content to the SCCM Resource Library.

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Critical Care Quick Study is an open-access repository for microlearning content within the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Resource Library. Submit microlearning content to serve as a resource for SCCM members and the public.

Submit Now

Find the latest submitted content in the SCCM Resource Library

Submitted content is reviewed and approved by the SCCM Critical Care Quick Study Advisory Group to ensure that submissions meet the needs of the critical care community. New content is added to the SCCM Resource Library regularly.

Please note that no accredited continuing education credit is offered for the development of content or for accessing and viewing the content.

Why should you submit your microlearning content?

  • Expand your reach. Your content will reach SCCM’s 17,000+ members and others!
  • Impact critical care. Share your work to increase the knowledge of critical care professionals and improve patient care.
  • Be recognized. Authors of approved content are eligible to receive recognition through an award. Add to your resume and stand out.

Submission Requirements

In what format should content be submitted?
Content can be submitted as Word documents, PowerPoint slides with or without narration, infographics, PDFs, images, or videos. All submissions must be suitable for viewing on commonly used smartphones. Please note that all submissions must be in English.

Which topics are appropriate for content submission?
Content can cover procedures, topical knowledge, team dynamics, and more. It can also support the implementation of SCCM guidelines and quality improvement programs such as ICU Liberation or the Surviving Sepsis Campaign. To determine whether your content is suitable for submission, consider what resources you as a learner find helpful that others may find helpful as well.

What is the maximum length of each submission?
All content should be viewable by the user within seven minutes. If you would like to submit longer and more detailed content, you may wish to submit it as a Strategic Planning Proposal instead.

Critical Care Quick Study Award

Submitted content is eligible for an award! Review the scoring rubric to see how your content meets the criteria to be considered for recognition.

2025 Critical Care Quick Study Award Recipient

2025 Critical Care Quick Study Award Recipient

Jennifer McKay, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP

St. Elizabeth Youngtown Hospital

Septic Shock 2021 Guidelines Reference Sheet
