Well-Being Resources

Self-care is critical for clinician well-being.

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As clinicians who care for others, remember to take time to care for yourself. The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) offers resources to mitigate mental health stressors in the workplace.

Well-Being Gap Analysis Toolkit

The Well-Being Gap Analysis Toolkit was developed by a task force of critical care clinicians with expertise in clinician workload, well-being, and burnout and addresses the unique stressors critical care clinicians face in the ICU setting.

Areas covered include:

  • Workload and job demands
  • Efficiency and resources
  • Control and flexibility
  • Work/life integration
  • Social support and community at work
  • Organizational culture and values
  • Meaning in work
  • Ethical community

Moral Injury Well-Being Toolkit

This toolkit is a starting point for critical care teams to practice identifying and discussing ethical dilemmas and sources of moral injury before a crisis or behavioral breakdown occurs. Using eight predesigned scenarios and a blank template, teams can proactively discuss strategies and practice ethical decision-making.

Scenarios include:

  • Cardiac arrest
  • Drug shortages
  • Recognition
  • Disrespect
  • Burnout
  • End-of-life-discussion
  • Adverse events
  • Shared decision-making

SCCM has joined the National Academy of Medicine's Change Maker Campaign for Health Workforce Well-Being. This campaign aims to spark a national movement to support health workforce well-being.

Additional Well-Being Resources



LearnICU is the central location for all educational resources from SCCM, including the SCCM Resource Library, which houses numerous pieces of billing and documentation content.

The Healing Power of Music and Family: An ICU Survivor's Journey


The Healing Power of Music and Family: An ICU Survivor's Journey

Sergio L. Zanotti-Cavazzoni, MD, FCCM, talked with Andrew Schulman about his journey from ICU survivor to medical musician.

SCCM Resources Help ICU Teams Address Well-Being


SCCM Resources Help ICU Teams Address Well-Being

The Society of Critical Care Medicine has put together two free toolkits to address clinician workload, well-being, and burnout, providing resources and tools that reflect the uniqueness of the ICU.

SCCM Pod-492: The Long and Short of Long COVID


SCCM Pod-492: The Long and Short of Long COVID

COVID-19 survivors who experience severe critical illness are at risk even when they leave the ICU. Long COVID is becoming recognized as a widespread problem, resulting in lower quality of life and pr...

SCCM Pod-474: Clinician Well-Being and the Importance of Self-Care


SCCM Pod-474: Clinician Well-Being and the Importance of Self-Care

Intensive care unit (ICU) clinicians pride themselves on their ability to care for others, even at the expense of caring for themselves. Kyle B. Enfield, MD, FSHEA, FCCM, was joined by Emily K. Valcin...

Managing Moral Distress During a Pandemic


Managing Moral Distress During a Pandemic

To help understand what moral distress looks like and how to manage and prevent it, the Society of Critical Care Medicine recently hosted the webcast Managing Moral Distress During a Pandemic.

SCCM Pod-411 Clinician Moral Distress


SCCM Pod-411 Clinician Moral Distress

Margaret M. Parker, MD, MCCM, and Christopher S. Parshuram, MBChB, PhD, discuss clinician moral distress in Canadian pediatric and neonatal intensive care units (Dryden-Palmer,K, et al. Pediatri Crit ...
