SCCM Account Access
SCCM recently updated its digital infrastructure. If you want to register for Congress and you have an existing SCCM account, and have not logged in since November 1, 2024, you will need to create an account with the email address associated with your previous SCCM account. Learn more about SCCM account access here. 

Some website functionality may be limited as improvements continue. Please ensure you are logged in for the best experience.

2025 Critical Care Congress

2025 Critical Care Congress

Explore the latest knowledge and research in critical care and network with experts, colleagues, and peers.


2025 Critical Care Congress

February 23-25, 2025

Orange County Convention Center
Orlando, FL, USA

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February 23-25, 2025
Orange County Convention Center
9800 International Drive
Orlando, Florida, USA

Everything you need to advance your daily practice is at Congress!

The countdown to Congress is on!

Explore the latest in critical care knowledge, research, and technology while engaging with a diverse community of multiprofessional clinicians at the Society of Critical Care Medicine’s (SCCM) 2025 Critical Care Congress.

  • Comprehensive science-based program
  • Opportunities to form and strengthen connections
  • Newest tools and technologies
  • Accredited continuing education credit and maintenance of certification points

SCCM is the only multiprofessional organization dedicated exclusively to critical care and is a recognized leader in critical care education. Collaborate with those who share your goal of improving patient care.

Can't attend in person? Congress Digital is available.

Whether you participate in Orlando or through Congress Digital, the Critical Care Congress offers high-quality education with flexibility to fit your needs as a critical care professional.

View full Congress details and follow #SCCM2025.

Why Should You Attend?

SCCM continues to be a leader in critical care education. Each year, thousands of professionals attend, present, and learn about the latest advances in patient care at Congress.

Congress Program

Explore the comprehensive and diverse content to be presented at Congress.

Pre-Congress Education

Each course is packed with essential clinical information to keep you up to date on various critical care topics. Register in conjunction with Congress and save.

Congress Digital

Can’t attend in-person? Congress Digital is available. Obtain access to recorded sessions from Congress plus bonus content to ensure that you are up to date on the latest knowledge and research. ACE and MOC are available.

Hotel and Travel

Take advantage of discounted Congress hotel rates by making your reservation in an SCCM hotel room block. The deadline for booking at discounted SCCM rates is Monday, January 27, 2025.

Exhibitor, Support, and Advertising Opportunities

Acquire and educate the most qualified leads in critical care at this premier event.

Request an Invitation Letter

Request a letter of invitation for visas or other purposes.

Student Volunteer Opportunities

Medical students and other students in training have a unique opportunity to volunteer during the 2025 Critical Care Congress. In return, students receive complimentary registration.

Media Registration

Registration, embargo, and other information for members of the media related to the 2025 Critical Care Congress.

Frequently Asked Questions

View the full list here. If you still have questions after reviewing the FAQs, please contact SCCM Customer Service at +1 847 827-6888 or

When and where will the 2025 Critical Care Congress be held?
The 2025 Critical Care Congress will be held Sunday, February 23, through Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, USA.
Pre-Congress educational programming will be held Friday, February 21, and Saturday, February 22, 2025.
Is accredited continuing education credit offered?
Yes, registrants can earn accredited continuing education (ACE) credit and maintenance of certification (MOC) points. More information will be provided after the program is finalized.
What is Congress Digital?
Congress Digital offers recorded sessions from the Critical Care Congress.
Congress Digital is available online 30 days after the in-person event and is accessed on LearnICU, an easy-to-use online platform. It offers accredited continuing education (ACE) credit and maintenance of certification (MOC) points.
Congress Digital is included with in-person registration and is also sold separately for those who do not attend Congress in person. It is another way SCCM ensures accessibility to the education provided at Congress.
Learn more at
I’m an industry partner. How can I be involved in Congress?
SCCM has many different exhibition, sponsorship, and advertising opportunities available at the 2025 Critical Care Congress. Information can be found here.
Where can I find information about future Congress dates?
A list of confirmed Congress dates and locations is available at
Is the Critical Care Congress moving to different months and locations?

Dates for the Critical Care Congress will be changing from January or February to March or April starting in 2026. The change in dates will allow the Society to consider additional Congress locations. Congress has been held in January or February for many years, but it was initially held in May.
This change is being made for three primary reasons:

  1. Congress participation has increased, and only a limited number of cities are suitable for a conference the size of Congress in January or February. Moving to March or April increases the pool of cities that can accommodate a conference the size of Congress.
  2. Rotating through a greater number of cities will provide increased access and more selection for SCCM members and clinicians. Because most SCCM members are in high-population centers clustered around the U.S. Great Lakes and the U.S. East Coast, Congress will be held in those areas some years, which was not possible without a change in dates to March or April.
  3. The new dates move Congress away from winter months, when ICUs typically see surges of influenza, COVID-19, and other infectious diseases. These surges further stress workforce issues that restrict clinicians’ ability to attend Congress.

A list of confirmed Congress dates and location is available at

Will SCCM return to cities that have previously hosted Congress?
SCCM’s priority is making Congress as accessible as possible to as many participants as possible. Congress has many complex needs, and SCCM is dedicated to evaluating all suitable opportunities throughout the United States while working to contract Congress locations five to eight years in advance.
How does SCCM choose where to hold Congress?
Many factors are considered in Congress site selection. These include a city’s accessibility to major transportation centers, whether it has sufficient accommodations for SCCM’s growing number of attendees, and its geographic location near major segments of the SCCM membership.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, SCCM is prohibited from political advocacy or lobbying activities. However, the SCCM Council and staff leadership carefully consider social and policy issues to ensure the safety and accommodation of Congress attendees in host cities.
Large-scale event planning requires that locations be selected and legally binding contracts in place years in advance, making it difficult to anticipate or respond to developments in various U.S. cities and states.
SCCM’s top priority is making Congress as accessible, collegial, and enjoyable as possible. SCCM understands that not everyone is able or willing to attend an in-person Congress each year. Regardless of location, the Society will continue to deliver the highest-quality educational programs both in person and online in service of its mission to secure the highest-quality care for all critically ill and injured patients.
How does SCCM fulfill its commitment to health equity, diversity, and inclusion in its Congress host cities?
SCCM is committed to engaging with Congress host city officials, local healthcare professionals, and community members to share best practices and foster collaboration to improve health outcomes for all individuals, regardless of their background or identity, by:
  • Working with destination management organizations, hotel representatives, and local chambers of commerce to identify minority businesses that SCCM can collaborate with and support during Congress
  • Planning local community projects that raise awareness of specific issues that align with SCCM’s mission and support minority communities within the host city/state
  • Providing badge ribbons so attendees can show support for minority communities
  • Highlighting the great diversity of participants in the scientific program, SCCM leadership, and the broader SCCM volunteer community and membership
What are some examples of previous community outreach projects during Congress?
In 2024, SCCM partnered with the Phoenix Area Indian Health Service (IHS) to provide education and resources to those who serve the Native American community. SCCM held an onsite Fundamental Critical Care Support (FCCS) training course for 30 healthcare professionals at Phoenix Indian Medical Center (PIMC) January 17-18, 2024. SCCM provided IHS staff access to several in-person pre-Congress courses and offered free Congress registration to any staff who wanted to attend. SCCM also provided IHS staff in the region the opportunity to take up to two SCCM online courses within the year following the 2024 Critical Care Congress.
In 2023, SCCM partnered with Project Homeless Connect and the San Francisco Ambassadors, two groups that work with people who are unhoused. SCCM supported Project Homeless Connect’s Community Day of Service, which provided essential healthcare services delivered with care and dignity to people who are unhoused. Additionally, SCCM provided free Stop the Bleed training for the staff from these two organizations.
In 2020 and 2019, SCCM worked with local organizations to hold free public health events that provided CPR training and other lifesaving education.
What do 2025 Critical Care Congress attendees need to know about traveling to Florida?
Safety in Private Spaces Act
Florida’s Safety in Private Spaces Act makes it a second-degree misdemeanor for people 18 years or older to use restrooms that do not correspond to their sex assigned at birth in state and local government buildings, schools, colleges, and detention centers.
Here is what 2025 Critical Care Congress attendees need to know:
  • Orlando Airport common restrooms are covered by the law, but all Orlando airport restrooms have a private restroom adjacent to the common restroom that is available for anyone, including transgender and nonbinary people, to use.
  • Hotels are privately owned property and not subject to the law.
  • All Orange County Convention Center space contracted to SCCM is exempt from the law.
    • This includes Connections Central (Exhibit Hall), education rooms and meeting rooms, and public hallways near the meeting space inside SCCM-controlled areas.
Is continuing education credit offered?
Yes, registrants can earn accredited continuing education (ACE) credit and maintenance of certification (MOC) points. More information will be provided in the fall of 2023 after the program is finalized.
Access/Special Assistance
If you have any special needs or requirements for participation in a Congress activity, please notify an SCCM staff member at the Special Assistance Desk, located in the West Hall C Lobby.
The OCCC has wheelchair ramps, automatic doors, passenger elevators, and accessible restrooms for those who need them. Scooter and wheelchair rental services are provided by Scootaround. Advance reservations are encouraged. View more information.

All parking at the OCCC is available on a first-come, first-served basis, including disability permit parking.

Animals are not permitted on the OCCC premises except in conjunction with an approved exhibit or in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Animals that are approved to be on the convention center premises must be on a leash, within a pen, or under similar control. The owner will be fully responsible for their animal(s).
The OCCC is cashless and accepts Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. There are ATMs located in the lobby of the West building.
Congress badges are required for entrance to all Congress functions and events, including concurrent educational sessions and Connections Central (Exhibit Hall). To enter a ticketed session or event, you must present your badge. Lost badges may be replaced at the SCCM Special Assistance desk, located in the West Hall C Lobby. A nominal fee may be charged for replacement badges.

Add a ribbon to your badge! Check out the display in the West Hall C Lobby to see your options. SCCM Council members and leaders, Congress Program Planning Committee members, and Congress faculty and moderators are easily identified by the ribbons affixed to their badges.
Business Center – FedEx Office
The FedEx Office business center is in the West Hall C Lobby.
Childcare Services
SCCM has secured childcare services through KiddieCorp. Children aged 6 months to 12 years can attend at the Hyatt Regency Orlando on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is limited. Advance registration is recommended and is available online here.
Civil Disruptions and Government Actions
Steer clear of all large gatherings that may be related to civil protests and other groups where police, government officials, or emergency responders are present.

Although we do not expect any adverse events during Congress, SCCM plans for all contingencies and has developed guidance. SCCM recommends:
  • Attendees, especially international attendees, always carry documentation on their person. Consider carrying your SCCM visa invitation letter, your passport (with current visa if applicable) or a copy, green card, and other legal identification like a government issued ID.
  • Know the contact information for your nearest embassy or consulate. If you or someone you know is detained, contacting the consultant or embassy aligned with the nationality of the individual that was detained provides the best resources. 
Coat and Luggage Check
Coat and luggage check services are available in the West Hall C Lobby on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. This service is complimentary for SCCM members. Nonmembers pay a fee of $3.00 per item. Cash and card accepted.
Congress Digital
Congress attendees gain complimentary access to Congress Digital for continued learning after the live event. Congress Digital contains session recordings and additional opportunities to earn accredited continuing education (ACE) credits and maintenance of certification (MOC) points.

Congress Digital will be available by March 27, 2025. To access Congress Digital, log in to your MySCCM account and navigate to the My Learning tab. Click the 2025 Congress Digital item.
Connections Central (Exhibit Hall)
Connections Central (Exhibit Hall) is in West Hall C and will be open during the following hours:
  • Sunday, February 23, 2025: 9:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
  • Monday, February 24, 2025: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 25, 2025: 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Find details on the variety of activities available in Connections Central here.
Continuing Education Information
For information on claiming ACE credits and MOC points, log in to your MySCCM account and navigate to the My Learning tab. Click the 2025 Critical Care Congress event.
Event Website and App
How do I access the event website?
Navigate to to find the event website.

How do I get the SCCM Events App?
Download the SCCM Events App to find everything you need to know about Congress.

To download: Select the 2025 Congress Event. Log in with the email address and password associated with your SCCM account.

Please ensure your app is updated to the most recent version. If you experience issues logging in or accessing the content, uninstall and reinstall the app.

How do I edit my profile?
On the website:
  • Click My Profile in the left-hand menu.
On the app:
  • Select the hamburger icon in the upper right corner.
  • Select the gear icon at the top left.
  • Scroll down and select Share my info with peers.
Why can’t others see my profile? Why can’t I directly message others or receive messages?
Update your networking settings to get access to all the networking features. Even when you share your information, your email address, phone number, and direct address will remain hidden to companies and other attendees.

On the website:
  • Click My Profile in the left-hand menu.
  • Click Save and Continue until you reach the Networking tab.
  • Under Your Privacy Options, make sure all three boxes show Yes to take advantage of networking opportunities.
On the app:
  • Select the hamburger icon in the upper right corner.
  • Select the gear icon at the top left.
  • Scroll down and select Share my info with peers.
  • Click Next to get to the Networking Settings.
  • Make sure both boxes are showing Yes.
How do I message an attendee?
Messaging on the website and app is a great way to connect and network with fellow attendees and speakers. Please do not send unsolicited commercial messages.

On the website:
  • Click People in the left-hand navigation menu, then click Attendees.
  • Find the person you wish to contact and click their name.
  • Their profile will pop up and you can send an email or start a message board with them.
  • Select Email to send a message to their email address. Note: The email option will only appear if an attendee has entered their email in their event profile. This does not share your email address with other attendees unless you share it in your message. The message is sent via the platform to their email. You will not be able to see their email address.
  • Select Message Board to open a chat window.
  • To find your message board chats, on the Attendees page, click Show Only My Chats directly below the search bar.
On the app:
  • Select Attendee List in the bottom navigation.
  • Find the person you wish to contact and click their name.
  • Select Message in the bottom menu.
  • To find your messages, select Messages in the bottom navigation.
How do I add a session to My Schedule?
Favorite sessions to build your own schedule and expedite claiming credit. Favorited sessions will be added to your MySCCM account each day, making the process of claiming credit easier and faster.

On the website:
  • In the schedule, click on the star icon to the right of the session so that it turns yellow and will be added to your schedule.
  • Select My Schedule in the left-hand menu or main screen tile to view sessions you favorited.
On the app:
  • Select the Event Schedule tile.
  • Find and click the session you want to favorite.
  • Click the star icon in the bottom navigation so that it turns yellow.
  • To view favorited sessions, select the My Schedule tile on the main screen or click My Schedule in the bottom navigation.
What if the app is not showing all content?
The app may take several minutes to load the first time you log in. While you are using the app, it is suggested that you refresh periodically to ensure you have the latest schedule. To do this, select the hamburger icon in the upper right corner and click Refresh Schedule under Your Event.

If the app is not showing all content or is unstable:
  • Log out by selecting the hamburger menu in the upper right-hand corner. Select the gear icon at the top left. Scroll down and select Log out. This will return you to the container app home screen.
  • Now, select Settings from the bottom menu, click Update Now next to Event List. You will receive a confirmation pop-up.
  • Wait 10 seconds.
  • Click Refresh next to Refresh Events & Collections. You will receive a confirmation pop-up.
  • Click Find Event in the bottom menu. Select the 2025 Congress event and log in with the email address and password associated with your account.
Fire Alarm
If a fire alarm is activated, locate your nearest exit and evacuate the building. Only use stairs and exit doors. Do not use elevators or moving escalators. 

If there is evidence of a fire, leave the area and call 911. Be prepared to give as much detail as possible about the fire as well as the location of the fire.

After calling 911, notify an SCCM staff member who will contact other necessary parties.
First Aid
For immediate first aid assistance, medical services are available in the First Aid Office, located in the West Hall C Lobby to the right of the Citrus Café. First Aid will be open during registration hours.
Food and Beverage
There are several locations to purchase food and beverages throughout the OCCC. Please note: All retail outlets are cashless and accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.
Hotel Shuttles
Shuttles are available for attendees staying at SCCM-contracted hotels more than 0.75 miles from the OCCC. If you booked at one of these hotels, you will receive shuttle information at check-in.

Hotels with attendee shuttles:
  • Castle Hotel, Autograph Collection
  • Courtyard Orlando International Drive/Convention Center
  • DoubleTree by Hilton Orlando at SeaWorld
  • Fairfield Inn & Suites Orlando International Drive/Convention Center
  • Homewood Suites by Hilton Orlando-International Drive/Convention Center
Lactation Room
The lactation room, located in W310B, is a private space with individual stations equipped with chairs and electricity. The room is stocked with a water bubbler. Refrigeration is available for those who need to store items during the day.

There are multiple wellness rooms on each floor of the OCCC, all off the Hall C Lobby area, which can also be used as a space to pump or breast-feed.
Lost and Found
The lost and found is located at the Special Assistance Desk in the West Hall C Lobby.
Max’s Cafe
A visionary, inventor, and teacher, Max Harry Weil, MD, PhD, MCCM, served as the first and founding president of SCCM. Dr. Weil was known to gather friends and colleagues to debate the issues of the day. He reveled in sharing ideas, sometimes well into the night. Max’s Cafe serves as a tribute to Dr. Weil’s legacy.

The cafe welcomes attendees to share complimentary coffee and conversation and to revel in the connections that Dr. Weil knew were so important to the advancement of critical care.

Visit a cafe for complimentary coffee during the following hours:

Max’s Cafe
West Hall C Lobby
  • Sunday, February 23: 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Monday, February 24: 8:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 25: 8:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Connections Central Pop-Up Max’s Cafes
West Hall C
  • Sunday, February 23: 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
  • Monday, February 24: 8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 25: 8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
Select Member Lounge Pop-Up Max’s Cafe
Gary Sain Cafe
Available exclusively for SCCM Select Members. Stop by to join or upgrade.
  • Sunday, February 23: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Monday, February 24: 7:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 25: 7:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Notice of Filming and Photography
Please be advised that photography, audio, and video recording may be carried out at Congress by SCCM or its affiliates. By entering the event premises, you consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording, and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, webcasts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by SCCM and its affiliates and representatives, in perpetuity, royalty-free, and throughout the universe. If you wish not to agree, please do not enter the event premises. Thank you for your cooperation.
Parking is available to all visitors on a first-come, first-served basis. View details.
Pocket Pal
The pocket pal is your compact event guide. Pick up a copy near registration or view the digital version.

The pocket pal is sponsored by InflaRx.
(re)Charge Zone
Attendees can charge their devices and get tips on recharging themselves. Self-care is critical for clinician well-being! Visit the (re)Charge Zone to relax, learn a few simple yoga moves, get personalized resources to improve well-being, and more.

The (re)Charge Zone is located outside room W311 and is open during the following hours:
  • Friday, February 21: 5:45 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, February 22: 5:45 a.m. – 6:45 p.m.
  • Sunday, February 23: 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Monday, February 24: 5:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 25: 5:45 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Recording and Photography
Some information presented during educational sessions is unpublished. Please refrain from photographing slides of presenting authors who display the “No Social Media” icon on their materials. Be respectful and do not share information of presenting authors who verbally opt out of social media or who display the “No Social Media” icon on their materials. The “No Social Media” icon looks like this:

No personal photography or recording is allowed in Connections Central (Exhibit Hall) at any time.
Registration is in the West Hall C Lobby and will be open during the following hours:
  • Friday, February 21: 5:45 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, February 22: 5:45 a.m. – 6:45 p.m.
  • Sunday, February 23: 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Monday, February 24: 5:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 25: 7:00 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
A registration kiosk will also be in the Hyatt Regency Orlando Main Lobby. It will be available 24 hours a day beginning Thursday, February 20, at 3:00 p.m. through Monday, February 24, at 4:00 p.m.
  • The kiosk will be staffed for support during these hours:
    • Thursday, February 20: 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
    • Friday, February 21: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
    • Saturday, February 22: 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    • Sunday, February 23: 7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
    • Monday, February 24: 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Ride Share Zone
A dedicated pick-up and drop-off zone for popular ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft is located at the E/F Lobby, outer lane.
Safety in Private Spaces Act
SCCM aims to provide a safe and inclusive Congress experience. Here is what Congress attendees need to know.

Florida’s Safety in Private Spaces Act makes it a second-degree misdemeanor for people 18 years or older to use restrooms that do not correspond to their sex assigned at birth in state and local government buildings, schools, colleges, and detention centers.
Orlando Airport common restrooms are covered by the law, but all Orlando airport restrooms have a private restroom adjacent to the common restroom that is available for anyone, including transgender and nonbinary people, to use.
  • Hotels are privately owned property and not subject to the law.
  • All Orange County Convention Center space contracted to SCCM is exempt from the law.
    • This includes Connections Central (Exhibit Hall), education rooms and meeting rooms, and restrooms inside SCCM’s controlled areas.
    • While in SCCM’s controlled spaces, please use the restroom that best aligns to your gender identity and expression and allow others to do the same.
SCCM Bookstore
The SCCM bookstore is in the Valencia Ballroom Foyer. Limited items are also for sale in SCCM Central located in Connections Central (Exhibit Hall) in West Hall C.
SCCM Central
SCCM Central, located in Connections Central in West Hall C, presents a whole range of critical care resources in a single, one-stop venue. Check out SCCM products and merchandise, spin the wheel for prizes, catch presentations on exciting SCCM activities, and more! View full details.
Select Member Lounge
SCCM Select members receive exclusive access to this space to network and collaborate with peers. Step into the lounge for coffee, light refreshments, and a small gift. Find a workstation to check email, recharge devices, or rest between sessions. To join or upgrade your membership, visit or stop by the lounge.

The Select Member Lounge is located in the Gary Sain Cafe and will be open during the following hours:
  • Sunday, February 23: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Monday, February 24: 7:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 25: 7:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Session Protocol
To ensure a pleasant meeting environment for all Congress attendees, meeting room temperatures are maintained to provide optimal comfort. A light jacket or sweater is recommended. Please note that all guests, including children, must be registered for Congress. Only registered Congress attendees and guests are allowed entrance to Congress sessions and Connections Central (Exhibit Hall). People under the age of 18 are not permitted in sessions or Connections Central.
Orlando offers a wide variety of unique experiences for all!

Many nearby venues take part in the Show Your Badge and Save program which provides discounts and special offers at restaurants and other attractions close to the convention center. All you do is show your Congress badge at participating locations and save.

Find information and discounts for activities, dining, theme park tickets, and more here.

You can also stop by the Guest Service Desk in the Orange County Convention Center’s West Hall C on Sunday, February 23, and Monday, February 24, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for help with dining reservations, directions, and other destination and attraction information.
Speaker Ready Room
Faculty who wish to review their slides can come to the Speaker Ready Room located in W314 at least four hours before their scheduled presentation. The Speaker Ready Room will be open during the following hours:
  • Friday, February 21: 5:45 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, February 22: 5:45 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, February 23: 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Monday, February 24: 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 25: 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
The OCCC boasts one of the most innovative, large-scale sustainability programs in the United States. The center has demonstrated industry and community leadership by pioneering pathways for large venues to achieve continuously improving levels of sustainability stewardship. Learn more.
Time Zone
All Congress sessions and events take place in Eastern Time.
Free internet access is available in most spaces at the OCCC.

Network: SCCM2025

Wi-Fi is not available in Connections Central (Exhibit Hall).