Submit a Clinical Investigator Proposal

Receive valuable peer feedback and grow your research into an endorsed project.

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Showcase your research by submitting a Clinical Investigator Proposal to Discovery! Submitting your proposal offers the opportunity to present your proposal during a Clinical Investigators Meeting to gain valuable peer feedback and have your proposal become an Endorsed Project or a Discovery Program.

Submit a Proposal

Preview the submission form. (Note: All proposals must be submitted via the link above. Proposals will not be accepted by email or U.S. mail.) If you have questions, please contact

Proposals are reviewed and evaluated by members of the Discovery Steering Committee. In addition to an overall impact score, investigators are provided with a score and comments in the areas of significance, investigator, innovation, approach, and environment.

Submission Criteria

  • The study must be multi-institutional, comprising at least two sites.
  • The research plan section of the application (questions 6-16) should be concise and limited to no more than six pages. The research plan includes specific aims, background, significance, preliminary studies (if applicable), and research design and methods.
  • The research plan should describe any assistance requested from Discovery (e.g., generation of datasets, data analysis, study sites).
  • It is expected that the results (positive or negative) of all approved Discovery studies, including those considered nonpublishable by the study’s investigators, will be presented to the Discovery Steering Committee within six months of study completion.
  • The Discovery Steering Committee must review all manuscripts resulting from the study before submission.
  • All study investigators must submit any conflicts of interest to SCCM.
  • Intellectual property will be protected, and confidentiality statements will be required from all Discovery Steering Committee reviewers.

Attend a Discovery Clinical Investigators Meeting

Discover new and upcoming research, hear from program directors of funding agencies, and learn from other critical care researchers.

Research Collaboratives

Find a list of current Endorsed Projects, Discovery Programs, and published works. Learn about the benefits of submitting a proposal to Discovery and having your proposal become an Endorsed Project.

Join the SCCM Discovery Community

Proposals not ranked highly after the Discovery Steering Committee’s review will not be provided a letter of support.
Applicants are encouraged to continue to work closely with the Discovery Steering Committee and join the SCCM Discovery community to continue to improve their proposals or execute their projects.
