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Results for: Education

SCCM Pod-513: Current Concepts: Effective, Culturally Sensitive End-of-Life Discussions

This is the fourth episode of SCCM’s Current Concepts Series. Diane C. McLaughlin, DNP, AGACNP-BC, CCRN, FCCM, is joined by Kwame A. Akuamoah-Bo...

SCCM Resources Help ICU Teams Address Well-Being

The Society of Critical Care Medicine has put together two free toolkits to address clinician workload, well-being, and burnout, providing resources a...

Management of the Potential Organ Donor in the ICU

This document was developed through the collaborative efforts of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the American College of Chest Physicians, and ...

Spreading Point-of-Care Ultrasound Training With the SCCM Course

In 2014, Nibras F. Bughrara, MD, FASA, FCCM, joined Albany Medical Center (AMC) in Albany, New York, USA, after completing a critical care medicine fe...

Teaching Crisis Management in the United States and Around the World

Mary J. Reed, MD, FCCM, began teaching FCCS about 25 years ago. From there, her involvement expanded to teaching multiple SCCM courses, helping to dev...

Managing Moral Distress During a Pandemic

To help understand what moral distress looks like and how to manage and prevent it, the Society of Critical Care Medicine recently hosted the webcast ...

Concise Critical Appraisal: Mentorship in Academic Medicine

Disch (Crit Care Med. 2018;46:437-441) set out to highlight the benefits of mentorship and its lack in underrepresented groups. Although women and min...

Concise Critical Appraisal: Effect of Community-Acquired Pediatric Sepsis on Survivors

Killien et al (Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019;Epub ahead of print) set out to evaluate the prevalence of health-related quality of life (HRQL) decline in...

Knowledge Area:

Concise Critical Appraisal: Impact of Mentoring in Academic Medicine

Efstathiou et al (PLoS One. 2018;13:e0207634) developed a standardized mentorship program and a series of surveys to evaluate the program’s impa...

Concise Critical Appraisal: Effect of a Resuscitation Strategy Targeting Peripheral Perfusion Status Versus Serum Lactate

Hernández et al (JAMA. 2019;321:654-664) set out to address that question with a multicenter randomized trial in which they compared two resuscitative...

Knowledge Area:

Concise Critical Appraisal: Epinephrine Versus Norepinephrine for Cardiogenic Shock

Levy et al (J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;72:173-182) conducted a prospective, double-blind, multicenter RCT comparing epinephrine to norepinephrine in the ...

Knowledge Area:

Concise Critical Appraisal: Effect of Low Versus Intermediate Tidal Volume Strategy

Simonis et al (JAMA. 2018;320;1872-1880) set out to evaluate the effect of an LTVV strategy versus an intermediate tidal volume ventilation strategy i...

Knowledge Area:

Concise Critical Appraisal: Antipsychotic Medications for Delirium in the ICU

Girard et al (N Engl J Med. 2018;379:2506-2516) and Page et al (Lancet Respir Med. 2013;1:515-523) evaluated the treatment of acute delirium with anti...

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Concise Critical Appraisal: Effect of Sodium Bicarbonate Infusion on Patient Outcomes

Jaber et al (Lancet. 2018;392:31-40) set out to evaluate the effect of sodium bicarbonate infusion on critically ill patient outcomes.

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Multiprofessional Critical Care Review: Adult In-Person Course

Receive the most comprehensive review and update of the diagnosis, monitoring, and management of critically ill adult patients.

Critical Care Ultrasound: Pediatric and Neonatal

Gain the realistic training needed to perform and interpret ultrasound imaging.

Critical Care Ultrasound

Get the realistic training needed to perform and interpret ultrasound imaging.

REDISCOVER-ICU: Utilizing Data to Study Drug Repurposing Beyond COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed significant gaps in the healthcare system, such as healthcare inequities and the need for more treatment options for int...

Knowledge Area:

SCCM Pod-500: Bedside in a Battle Zone: SCCM Sends Help and Hope to Ukraine

SCCM volunteers traveled twice to Lviv, Ukraine, in 2023 to train nearly 500 clinicians on lifesaving education focused on point-of-care ultrasound (P...
