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Results for: training

SCCM Trains Ukrainian Clinicians on Critical Care Ultrasound

Members of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) traveled from the United States to Lviv, Ukraine in March to train more than 140 clinicians on...

Spreading Point-of-Care Ultrasound Training With the SCCM Course

In 2014, Nibras F. Bughrara, MD, FASA, FCCM, joined Albany Medical Center (AMC) in Albany, New York, USA, after completing a critical care medicine fe...

Teaching Crisis Management in the United States and Around the World

Mary J. Reed, MD, FCCM, began teaching FCCS about 25 years ago. From there, her involvement expanded to teaching multiple SCCM courses, helping to dev...

SCCM Supports FCCS Training in Tajikistan

Khorog, the regional capital of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO), sits at an elevation of 2200 meters among the beautiful but rugged and isol...

Critical Care Ultrasound: Pediatric and Neonatal

Gain the realistic training needed to perform and interpret ultrasound imaging.

Critical Care Ultrasound

Get the realistic training needed to perform and interpret ultrasound imaging.
