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Results for: Hematology

Concise Critical Appraisal: Early Hemostatic Management of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy

This Concise Critical Appraisal delves into a study published in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine that sought to determine whether early hemost...

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Concise Critical Appraisal: Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism and RBC Transfusion in Infants

Neunhoeffer et al (Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2018;19:318-327) sought to use noninvasive means to determine the changes in cerebral oxygen metabolism in i...

Knowledge Area:

SCCM Pod-502: Current Concepts: Hemostatic Resuscitation for Traumatic and Nontraumatic Hemorrhage

This is the second episode of SCCM’s Current Concepts Series, in which authors unveil exclusive insights into the 2024 Current Concepts Course. ...

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