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Results for: ICULiberation

A Novel Approach to ICU Liberation-Focused Multidisciplinary Rounds

Staff from one ICU describe how they integrated the ICU Liberation Bundle (A-F) into the electronic health record to improve patient care.

The Healing Power of Music and Family: An ICU Survivor's Journey

Sergio L. Zanotti-Cavazzoni, MD, FCCM, talked with Andrew Schulman about his journey from ICU survivor to medical musician.

New Study Showcases the Power of the ICU Liberation Bundle

A new study further illustrates that implementing the ICU Liberation Bundle (A-F) decreases patients’ mechanical ventilation duration and ICU le...

ICU Liberation Bundle Implementation: Nurses Champion Change as Early Adopters

How can nurses champion change and improve outcomes by implementing the ICU Liberation Bundle (A-F)? Laura S. Maples, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, summarizes how ...
