
Access SCCM media resources, releases, and statements.

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The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) can provide subject matter experts to speak on critical care issues, including emergency response and preparedness.

Media Resources

Critical Care Statistics

View statistics on many of the current issues in critical care in the United States. Review this reference in efforts such as advocacy, public relations, and general education.

Intensivists in U.S. Acute Care Hospitals

Review this article from Critical Care Medicine designed to determine the total numbers of privileged and full-time equivalent intensivists in acute care hospitals with intensivists and compare the characteristics of hospitals with and without intensivists.

United States Resource Availability for COVID-19

With the onset of COVID-19 and the strong possibility of a large percentage of the U.S. population being admitted to hospitals and ICUs, SCCM updated its statistics on critical care resources available in the United States.

Media Releases

SCCM In The News

SCCM Media Contacts

Contact the Media Relations Team

Melissa Nielsen
Director, Marketing, Communications and Sales
Phone: +1 847 827-7405
Cell: +1 847 890-3919
(text preferred)

Kara Vinson
Manager, Marketing and Communications
Phone: +1 847 493-6438
