Fundamental Critical Care Support: Crisis Management Hosted Course

Fundamental Critical Care Support: Crisis Management Hosted Course

Host an FCCS: Crisis Management course and prepare healthcare professionals to sustain patient care during disasters.

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The Society of Critical Care Medicine’s (SCCM) Fundamental Critical Care Support: Crisis Management (formerly Fundamental Disaster Management) hosted course combines expert-developed presentations with interactive skill stations to provide healthcare professionals the knowledge needed to sustain patient care in both natural and intentional disasters. Core principles include disaster preparation, the role of the hospital in disaster response, augmentation of ICU capacity, tertiary triage and palliative care considerations, special patient populations, personal protective equipment, infectious disease outbreaks, chemical and radiologic exposures, mass shootings, blast and burn incidents, and natural disasters. 

The hosted course is offered in person.

Course features:

  • Flexible learning formats: in-person and online
  • Expert-developed presentations
  • Interactive skill stations
  • Pre- and posttests
  • Companion textbook
  • Certificate of successful course completion
  • Continuing education credit hours (if offered by the course site)

Contact the SCCM Hosted Training Team to learn more about
bringing training to your institution.

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The hosted course is available in in-person and online formats. The in-person hosted course consists of face-to-face presentations and skill stations. The online hosted course consists of web-based presentations and in-person skill stations.

To receive the certificate of successful completion, course participants must attend all presentations, successfully complete all skill stations, and achieve a score of 70% or higher on the posttest.

Read case studies from institutions that have hosted a course.


Bring the Fundamentals to Your Institution

Hear from Fundamentals instructors, directors, and consultants on the value of Fundamentals training. 


Free Fundamentals Training

SCCM has funding to provide financial support for critical care training for organizations in developing or impoverished nations and underserved areas of the United States.

Individual Self-Study Options

Individual Self-Study Options

For individuals seeking FCCS: Crisis Management self-study options, an eBook and textbook are available for purchase as well as the option to search for a course scheduled nearby.

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