Hosted Training FAQs

Provide training to improve care for critically ill and injured patients.

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Review frequently asked questions about the Society of Critical Care Medicine's (SCCM) hosted training model.

SCCM's goal is to provide: 

  • Flexible options for course delivery and learning
  • An exceptional user experience through streamlined accessibility to course materials 
  • A simplified purchase process

Full payment is required before accessing course materials. Please consider this when planning your course. 

What is included when sites purchase the hosted training course model?
With the new hosted training model, SCCM will provide hosting sites and learners with:
  • Access to live and online course materials, including administrative materials to guide course planning
  • Accredited continuing education credit for completion of online course materials
  • eBooks for all learners, with the option to add print books
  • Online pre- and posttests
  • Ongoing learner assessment during and after course completion
  • Test reports and evaluation data
  • Online certificates of completion
How do I order learners and access course materials?
Customers have two separate logins for each course:

One login is for the Hosted Training purchase portal. This portal is for purchases, invoice history, and payments. Log in with the institution’s login credentials. The username is the ID number of the course site. The password is the city with a 1 at the end (e.g., Chicago1). Please note that the learner fee includes eBooks only. A hosted site can obtain print books for learners by paying shipping costs. There is no additional cost for the print books except shipping. Review hosted training purchase portal instructions.

The second login is for MySCCM, which houses all course materials, course registrations, and certificate information. The course contact will have access to the course dashboard through MySCCM. The Customer ID for this contact is the ship-to Customer ID on the invoice. Please note that only one person can access the course information. The course coordinator and course director must use their MySCCM login information to access the roster and course materials. Review MySCCM instructions.
How do I enter a new course into my Director Resources?
Each time a customer runs a course, they must create a new course in their course dashboard under Director Resources in their MySCCM account. This ensures that learners receive certificates with the correct course information. Review MySCCM instructions.
How do learners access the course?
Once the course contact or director enrolls learners through the roster in MySCCM, learners receive an email directing them to access the course through the My Learning tab in their individual MySCCM accounts. Learners must complete the pretest before gaining access to the eBook or any of the course materials. Review hosted training learner instructions.
How does online testing work? If I am hosting a fully live course, do my learners still need to take the tests online?
SCCM’s hosted training courses all require online testing, whether the learner attends a live course or completes the modules online. The pretest will be available to learners as soon as the course director adds the learner to the course roster. Learners will receive an email with instructions to access the pretest. Course faculty should not share or discuss pretest answers with learners during the course.

Course directors should instruct learners to wait to complete the posttest until after participating in the skill stations. SCCM recommends that course directors instruct learners to complete the posttest within two weeks after participating in the skill stations. It is the course director’s responsibility to remind learners to complete the posttest in a timely manner.

Learners will have three attempts to pass the posttest. Their first attempt will be unassisted, meaning they will see only the question and options. On the second and third attempts, they will have access to the references and rationales for missed questions.

All test progress is saved in real time. A “save and continue” option is available if a learner has to stop their examination. Attempts need not occur consecutively.
How do I change the date or cancel my course in the dashboard or change who has access to the director resources?
Any changes to course information or course contact must be submitted to the Hosted Training Team at
If a learner cancels their course registration, can a hosted site reassign their seat and eBook?
Yes, a hosted site can drop a learner who has not started or completed the course, and the site can reassign the seat and eBook to a new learner. The seat cannot be reassigned to a new learner once the original learner starts the course; however, the original learner can be moved to a different course.
I placed an order for learners. How quickly will I have access to enroll my learners?
Orders are approved and invoices are emailed within three business days. SCCM requires prepayment for all hosted training, which means that you cannot access the course materials or register your learners until you pay the invoice. You may pay the invoice online through the portal once the order is approved. After approval, navigate to the first tab in the portal and click on the invoice. The payment screen will appear. You can pay by credit card or print the invoice.
I am hosting a fully live course. Do my learners still have to take the pre- and posttests online?
Yes, all testing for hosted training courses is online, whether the learner attends a live course or completes the modules online. Once you enroll your learners in the course through the dashboard, they will receive the link to log in and complete the pretest and download the eBook. Once they complete the pretest, all course materials will become available, including the posttest. They do not need to complete the online modules to take the posttest.