
visual bubble
visual bubble
visual bubble
visual bubble

Results for: Quality

Improving Post-ICU Stay Outcomes: How SCCM’s Discovery Grant Helped Establish an NIH-Funded Study

Paul E. Wischmeyer, MD, EDIC, FASPEN, FCCM, has a highly personal understanding of the challenges of recovering from an intensive care unit (ICU) stay...

Leapfrog Dashboard Tracking of Postoperative Sepsis: An Opportunity for Quality Improvement

This article describes the new Leapfrog quality metrics and their methodology, focusing on postoperative sepsis identification and the potential impac...

The Future of Critical Care Medicine

Bertalan Mesko, MD, PhD, presents on the future of critical care medicine at SCCM's 50th Critical Care Congress.

Concise Critical Appraisal: Cardiac Arrest in the ICU: An Assessment of Preventability

Moskowitz et al (Resuscitation. 2019. Epub ahead of print) set out to investigate the preventability of ICU-CAs and identify targets for future interv...

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