SCCM Account Access
SCCM recently updated its digital infrastructure. If you want to register for Congress and you have an existing SCCM account, and have not logged in since November 1, 2024, you will need to create an account with the email address associated with your previous SCCM account. Learn more about SCCM account access here.
Some website functionality may be limited as improvements continue. Please ensure you are logged in for the best experience.
The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and emTRUTH are collaborating on the project “A Platform for Healthcare Data Integration Using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.” Its goal is to revolutionize healthcare data management, ensuring security, integrity, and interoperability for critical care systems. The project will leverage blockchain technology to safeguard sensitive medical information for two sites' pilot project data while enabling seamless access for clinical research and healthcare analytics.
Project requirements
Selected sites will collaborate with SCCM and emTRUTH to:
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant is funding emTRUTH to continue phase II of its research and development work. emTRUTH has partnered with SCCM for SCCM to be the clinical coordinating center and will support two sites for a total of $30,000 for the selected research proposals ($15,000 per site). This includes indirect costs.
For inquiries regarding this funding opportunity, contact Katy Abplanalp.