Fundamental Critical Care Support: Pediatrics Hosted Course

Fundamental Critical Care Support: Pediatrics Hosted Course

Host an FCCS: Pediatrics course and prepare healthcare professionals to care for critically ill and injured pediatric patients.

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The Society of Critical Care Medicine's (SCCM) hosted Fundamental Critical Care Support: Pediatrics (FCCS: Pediatrics) course combines expert-developed learning with hands-on skill stations to provide nonintensivists and other healthcare professionals with the realistic training they need to manage critically ill pediatric patients for the first 24 hours or until appropriate critical care consultation can be arranged.

The course addresses fundamental management principles and is recommended for any healthcare professional who may encounter a critically ill or injured pediatric patient.

Course features:

  • In-person and online learning formats
  • Expert-developed presentations
  • Hands-on skill stations
  • Online pre- and posttests
  • Companion eBook for all learners (print book available*)
  • Administrative materials to guide course planning and management
  • Certificate of successful course completion**
  • Learner evaluations after course completion
  • Accredited continuing education (ACE) credit for completion of online course materials
  • ACE credit for live course attendance (if offered by the course site)

Contact the SCCM Hosted Training Team to learn more about
bringing training to your institution.

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*Hosting site is responsible for shipping charges for print books.
**To receive the certificate of successful course completion, learners must complete or attend all assigned presentations and skill stations, achieve a score of 70% or higher on the posttest, and complete the learner evaluation.

Bring the Fundamentals to Your Institution

Hear from Fundamentals instructors, directors, and consultants on the value of Fundamentals training. 

Free Fundamentals Training

SCCM has funding to provide financial support for critical care training for organizations in developing or impoverished nations and underserved areas of the United States.

Individual Self-Study Options

Individual Self-Study Options

For those seeking FCCS: Pediatrics self-study options, an online course and the textbook are available for purchase as well as the option to search for a course scheduled nearby.

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