Multidisciplinary Critical Care Knowledge Assessment Program

Multidisciplinary Critical Care Knowledge Assessment Program

An online in-training examination developed to assess critical care knowledge acquired during fellowship training.

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The Multidisciplinary Critical Care Knowledge Assessment Program (MCCKAP) online examination allows program directors to assess their critical care fellowship programs or for individuals to independently assess their knowledge gained during fellowship training. The MCCKAP consists of 200 multiple-choice questions pertaining to critical care knowledge and patient management with accompanying graphics, including diagnostic imaging, monitoring waveforms, and photomicrographs. 

Program Benefits

  • Prepare fellows for the subspecialty board examinations in critical care
  • Identify knowledge areas of strength and weakness
  • Receive a list of key terms and references for missed questions
  • Receive results for individual fellows, the overall program, and the institutional percentile ranking
  • Review preliminary scores and analyses immediately upon examination completion

Based on national standards, the examination content is developed by multidisciplinary critical care practitioners experienced in examination preparation and analysis.

Examination Dates: April 1-8, 2025

Program Director Administering Examination

Program Director Administering Examination

Assess the knowledge of students in your critical care fellowship program.

Get Started 

Student and Trainee Self-Assessment

Student and Trainee Self-Assessment

Independently assess your knowledge gained during fellowship training.

Get Started 

MCCKAP: Surgical Supplement

Enhance your assessment! The MCCKAP: Surgical Supplement is designed for surgical critical care fellows and MCCKAP participants. Providing 100 multiple-choice questions written by subject matter experts on surgical topics relevant to the practice of critical care. Director-led and individual versions are available.  

MCCKAP: Surgical Supplement Director-Led

MCCKAP: Surgical Supplement Director-Led

A focused review for surgical critical care fellows and MCCKAP participants, this untimed practice assessment can be accessed immediately upon purchase. It contains 100 expert-written multiple-choice questions on surgical critical care topics. Detailed explanations and comparative cohort data upon assessment completion. Readily identify strengths and weakness in surgical critical care fellows' knowledge base.

Director-led version includes access to three supplements. To add more at $125 each, please contact SCCM Customer Service at +1 847 827-6888.

Price: $300.00 (not including membership discounts)

to see your personalized pricing.

MCCKAP: Surgical Supplement Individual

MCCKAP: Surgical Supplement Individual

A focused review for surgical critical care fellows and MCCKAP participants, this untimed practice assessment can be accessed immediately upon purchase. It contains 100 expert-written multiple-choice questions on surgical critical care topics. Detailed explanations and comparative cohort data upon assessment completion. Surgical critical care fellows can readily identify strengths and weakness in their knowledge base.


Individual version includes one supplement for the intended user.

Price: $125.00 (not including membership discounts)

to see your personalized pricing.
