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Category: Pediatrics

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Children: An Invisible Threat Which We Cannot Ignore

From Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. Editorial in response to Ong et al. article ("A comprehensive narrative review on the impact and implications of COVID-19 in children"), focusing on the management of those most severely affected, as well as providing some practical suggestions for pediatric intensive care clinicians to prepare should COVID-19 become more virulent in children.

Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on May 13, 2020.

Coronavirus Disease in Children

This presentation covers treating COVID-19 in pediatric patients. This is SCCM curated COVID-19 microlearning content.

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Pediatric Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019–Related Illness

From Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. The authors describe current hospital guidelines and the opinions of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation leaders at U.S. children’s hospitals concerning the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for coronavirus disease 2019–positive pediatric patients.

Letter to the Editor: The Role of the Pediatric Intensivist in the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic

From Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine. In this letter to the editor, the authors explore the role of pediatric intensivists, as highly-skilled professionals, in the care of critically ill adults. With adequate guidance by professional societies and adult intensivists, pediatric critical care physicians can provide valuable assistance in the current pandemic and in potential COVID-19 epidemic waves to come.

Can you discuss pediatric inflammatory conditions?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on May 13th, 2020.

What are some common and uncommon approaches for pediatric patients?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on May 27th, 2020.

In the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, when pediatric ICUs were turned into medical ICUs, how did the pediatric intensive care community manage adult patients?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on June 10th, 2020.

What is the prevalence of the Kawasaki-like severe multiple inflammatory syndrome in children aged 4 to 6 years old with COVID-19 versus in the general population?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on June 10th, 2020.

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine in the COVID-19 Pandemic

From Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. A foreword from the editors of PCCM about COVID-19 and the journal.

Are there any differences in standards of care between adult patients and pediatric or adolescent patients?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on July 8th, 2020.

The Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic on U.S. and Canadian PICUs

From Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. This study found that patients with coronavirus disease 2019 have a high frequency of comorbidities, require longer stays, more ventilatory support than usual PICU admissions, suggesting several avenues for further exploration.

Clinical Features of Critical Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Children

From Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. In this study, the authors observed a greater proportion of hospitalized children requiring mechanical ventilation than has been reported to date; they state that older children, African-American or Hispanic children, and males may be at greater risk for severe illness requiring hospitalization.

Critical Care for Coronavirus Disease 2019: Perspectives From the PICU to the Medical ICU

From Critical Care Medicine. The authors describe the unique perspective of pediatric intensivists caring for critically ill adults during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.

Editorial: Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Tsunami of Data and a Plethora of Unanswered Questions

From Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. In this editorial, the author discusses issues emerging from the study by Bhumbra et al. (Clinical features of critical coronavirus disease 2019 in children) that are worthy of discussion and further exploration, including the predilection for racial minorities, similarities and differences to sepsis, wide expression of clinical disease, and the conundrum of providing family centered care.

Letter to the Editor: Transforming a PICU Into an Adult ICU During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: Meeting Multiple Needs

From Critical Care Explorations. In this Letter to the Editor, the authors describe the process converting half of their 40-bed PICU into a negative-pressure biocontainment ICU dedicated to adult coronavirus disease 2019 patients within a 1,003-bed academic quaternary hospital.

Convalescent Plasma Therapy in Four Critically Ill Pediatric Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Case Series

From Critical Care Explorations. In this case report, the authors report a series of four critically ill pediatric patients with acute respiratory failure who received coronavirus disease 2019 convalescent plasma as a treatment strategy for severe disease.

How do approaches for children differ from those for adults?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on September 9, 2020.

A Hybrid Model of Pediatric and Adult Critical Care During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Surge: The Experience of Two Tertiary Hospitals in London and New York

From Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. In this report, the authors describe the hybrid model implemented at institutions in New York and London and discuss shared experiences, pitfalls, challenges, and adjustments required in caring for both young and older patients.

Readiness for and Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Among Pediatric Healthcare Providers: The Role of Simulation for Pandemics and Other Disasters

From Pediatric Critical Care Medicine

Early preparation for the training and education of healthcare providers, as well as the continuation or modification of routine medical education programs, is of great importance in times of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic or other public health emergencies; this study aimed to characterize these self-reported efforts by the pediatric simulation community.