Discover IHCA Project

Discover IHCA Project

Investigate in-hospital cardiac arrests and post-resuscitation care.

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The Discover In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (IHCA) study is a multicenter, prospective observational study aimed at better understanding variations in practice for the post-cardiac arrest patient. There is considerable debate among experts concerning many components of intra- and post-arrest care. This study aims to increase the evidence base of these components, particularly temperature control and neuroprognistication in post-arrest patients. In addition to providing insights regarding immediate and long-term post-arrest care, data collected will also be useful in studying variation in cardiopulmonary resuscitation practices.

This project is endorsed by the Society of Critical Care Medicine’s (SCCM) Discovery, the Critical Care Research Network.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why focus on IHCA?

IHCA is a major public health issue, with nearly 300,000 IHCAs occurring each year in the United States. Most available evidence supporting cardiac arrest management is from the study of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Guidelines for IHCA management are generally based on these data, without considering the unique circumstances surrounding IHCA.

While morbidity and mortality of IHCA have improved in recent years, survival remains low among those who achieve return of spontaneous circulation, and rates of long-term physical and cognitive recovery remain low. In this study, we aim to increase data available specifically relating to IHCA.

Can additional hospitals participate? 

Additional hospitals are encouraged to participate. The investigators would like to include a variety of hospitals and patients. Currently, we are particularly interested in adding rural and community hospitals to the study. If your hospital is interested in participating in the study, please contact the principal investigator. 

How will data collection occur? 

Data regarding hospital and patient characteristics, intra-arrest events, and post-arrest practices will be abstracted from medical records by each participating site and entered into a research electronic data capture cloud database (REDCap) hosted by SCCM. 

What is the timeline for the project? 

Data will be collected over a six-month period estimated to begin in the fall of 2023, with initial data analysis occurring shortly thereafter. 

SCCM Staff Contact: Tamara Al-Hakim
