Fellow of Critical Care Medicine

Honors those who have made outstanding contributions to critical care.

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ACCCMThe prestigious designation of Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine (FCCM) honors practitioners, researchers, administrators, and educators who have made outstanding contributions to the collaborative field of critical care.

American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM) fellows are recognized for their clinical excellence and achievements in program development, scholarly activities related to critical care, and regional and/or national engagement.

The 2025 FCCM application opens on January 15, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. Central Time and closes on March 15, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. Central Time (UTC-06:00).

Apply for Fellowship

Please read the eligibility and application criteria and requirements carefully before submitting. The application period typically runs from December to March 15 each year. Join today to make the most out of applying.


Benefits of Becoming an FCCM

The FCCM designation globally honors you as a leader in critical care, connects you with other distinguished clinicians, and enhances your CV for professional development. It is a symbol of your personal contribution to critical care.

Once you are inducted as an FCCM, you will automatically be upgraded to the Select membership category in your next dues billing cycle.

Becoming an FCCM gives you additional engagement points within the Society, which weighs into aspects of your membership such as committee appointments, management of waitlists for popular events, Council and Board of Regents nominations and elections, and submitting applications for MCCM.

Eligibility Requirements

 To apply to become an FCCM fellow, applicants must:

  • Be an active SCCM Professional or Select member for at least two consecutive years immediately prior to application
  • Have five years of post-training involvement in the field of critical care

Application Criteria

Basic criteria require that applicants:

  • Be an SCCM Professional or Select Member and have been a member for at least two consecutive years.
  • Be licensed (if license is available) to practice in a healthcare category in the United States or Canada. If you are applying as a physician member, you must be U.S. board certified.
  • Have a certificate of special competence in critical care or its equivalency, as determined by the category of your application. Physician and nurse candidates, please see the detailed criteria in your application.
  • Have devoted at least 50% of your time to critical care in practice, research, administration, or teaching for at least two years before applying to ACCM.
  • Be able to demonstrate a collaborative model of critical care, in which the efforts of several disciplines are coordinated to provide optimal patient care.
  • Have made significant contributions to the perception, delivery, or management of critically ill patients in the three areas of program development, scholarly contributions, and leadership.
  • Be sponsored by two individuals, at least one of whom is an active FCCM, who can substantiate the professional history and outstanding merits of the applicant, with particular emphasis on areas of demonstrated excellence and leadership in a collaborative model of critical care. Council, Board of Regents, and ACCM Credentials Committee members are ineligible to write letters of support.
  • Have a minimum of five years of post-training involvement in the field of critical care to meet the leadership criteria set by ACCM.

Application Requirements

Detailed requirements are available in the ACCM application. Applicants will need the following documents:

  • CV, using the provided template and ensuring all text fields are completed per instructions
  • Personal statement with paragraphs on collaborative multiprofessional practice, program development, scholarly activities related to critical care, and regional and/or national engagement (leadership)
  • Current copy of certificate of special competence in critical care or its equivalent
  • Current copy of medical license (if available), showing you are licensed to practice in the healthcare category in the United States or Canada. If applying as a physician member, you must be U.S. board certified.
  • For international applicants, license to practice in a healthcare category, if available
  • Two letters of support, one of which must be from an active FCCM. The letters must include paragraphs on collaborative multiprofessional practice, program development, scholarly activities related to critical care, and regional and/or national engagement (leadership).
  • Two professional time verification forms confirming 50% of professional work time is devoted to critical care in practice, research, administration, or teaching for at least two years before applying to ACCM
  • Professional photo

How to Become a Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine

A must-watch presentation for anyone considering applying for ACCM fellowship. Learn about eligibility and criteria, understand the benefits of fellowship, and get tips on how to submit a successful application.

Additional Information

Selection Process
The ACCM Credentials Committee will review each completed application and recommend a course of action for each applicant for final review and approval by the Board of Regents.

If accepted, your membership tier will be upgraded to Select, and you will be required to remain an active SCCM Select member to continue using the FCCM designation. If your ACCM fellowship expires, you must reapply and undergo another application review process.

ACCM Convocation and SCCM Awards Presentation
To be considered an ACCM fellow and use the designation FCCM, you are required to participate in the convocation ceremony within three years of your acceptance notification. The convocation fee is $395. The fee includes administrative costs, robe rental, and certificate. If you are not inducted within three years, you will be required to submit a new application for future ACCM fellowship.
