SCCM Account Access
SCCM recently updated its digital infrastructure. If you want to register for Congress and you have an existing SCCM account, and have not logged in since November 1, 2024, you will need to create an account with the email address associated with your previous SCCM account. Learn more about SCCM account access here. 

Some website functionality may be limited as improvements continue. Please ensure you are logged in for the best experience.


Statistical Report Instructions

Multidisciplinary Critical Care Knowledge Assessment Program (MCCKAP)

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Thank you for participating in the Society of Critical Care Medicine’s (SCCM) 2024 Multidisciplinary Critical Care Knowledge Assessment Program (MCCKAP). The final scoring analysis is now complete and score reports are available to you. 

Please follow the instructions below to view the psychometric data from the examination.

Program Directors

Preliminary Scores

To view an overall percentage score for your fellows before the finalized examination results are released:

  • Log in to your MySCCM profile page. If you do not have your login information readily available, use the Forgot Username and/or Forgot Password links on the MySCCM login page to retrieve it.
  • After logging in to your MySCCM page, click the Director Resources link in the upper right-hand portion of your profile page, which will take you to the SCCM Online Learning Director Portal. Once in the portal, find the MCCKAP examination icon and click the Manage Course button.
  • On the course management screen, the overall percentage scores for each fellow in your cohort will be displayed in the Posttest column. These results are not broken down by category and are preliminary until the key verification is completed.
  • For a more detailed breakdown of a fellow’s score, click the Exams button in the Course Progress column. Here you can view a fellow’s institutional information, detailed examination scores, including the raw number of questions answered correctly and incorrectly, and the content of all examination questions.
  • To view the content of an examination question, navigate to the Exam Results section at the bottom of the page. Use the drop-down menu to choose between viewing all examination questions, viewing only correctly answered questions, or viewing only incorrectly answered questions.
  • Once you have chosen your desired view, click on any of the numbered question boxes to view the question content, the fellow’s response, and the answer.

Finalized Scores

After the key verification process, which is completed within five to seven weeks after the end of the examination window, you will have access to detailed score reports and comparison data. Follow the instructions below to view the data.

  • Log in to your MySCCM profile page. If you do not have your login information readily available, use the Forgot Username and/or Forgot Password links on the MySCCM login page to retrieve it.
  • After logging in to your MySCCM page, click the Director Resources link in the upper right-hand portion of your profile page, which will take you to the SCCM Online Learning Director Portal. Once in the portal, find the MCCKAP examination icon and click the Course Statistics button.
  • On the Course Statistics page are a number of tabs on the bottom of the dashboard, which are links to these reports:     
    • The Director’s Report contains information on both your program’s performance and the overall examination cohort’s performance. It allows for comparison by content area between your program and the overall examination cohort, including the difference between the two.
    • The Student’s Report displays your individual fellows' scores, including total number correct and examination percentage scores. This report also contains information on both your program’s performance and the overall examination cohort’s performance.
    • The Individual Report provides your fellows' examination performance broken down by content area. It allows for comparison by content area between your fellows and the overall examination cohort, including the difference between the two. Use the drop-down menu to select either individual or multiple fellows.  
    • The Percentiles Report shows the percentile values expressed as a percentage score per content area for the overall examination cohort. The Percentile Report allows for filtering by country and specialty.
    • The Statistical Analysis Report contains the examination’s psychometrics, including mean, median, mode, and standard deviation for each category for the overall examination cohort. The Statistical Analysis Report allows for filtering by country and specialty.
    • The Demographic Report provides demographic information, including specialty, program year, and age range, on the overall examination cohort.    
  • These results are all downloadable via the menu that appears when you hover your cursor over any statistic or table. Use the ellipsis menu and select Export data to export the information to an Excel file that will open automatically.


To view your detailed examination summary and overall examination statistics:

  • Log in to your MySCCM profile page. If you do not have your login information readily available, use the Forgot Username and/or Forgot Password links on the MySCCM login page to retrieve it. 
  • After logging in to your MySCCM page, click the My Learning link, then click the link for the MCCKAP examination. 
  • On the main examination page, click the Examination summary report button to open a page that displays the overall score, including score breakdowns by category, and the overall peer averages for the examination. You can also view references for incorrectly answered questions in each section. This report can be downloaded as a pdf and sent to the program director. 
  • To view overall examination statistics, navigate back to the main examination page and click the Report button. On the Report page, you can view your percentage score compared to the percentage score for the overall examination cohort, including breakdowns by content areas. You can also view the breakdown of the examination questions by content area. There is also a peer comparison section for further analysis. A robust fund of information is available on the Report page. SCCM encourages you to explore this data. 