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SCCM Pod-399 Risk for Mortality in Critically Ill Children Needing Renal Replacement Therapy

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Margaret M. Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with Danny Hames, MD, on his article titled "Risk Factors for Mortality in Critically Ill Children Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy," published in the November 2019 issue of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine (Hames D, et al. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019;20;1069-1077).

Dr. Hames speaks about some of the challenges of monitoring patients with acute kidney injury, the implications of the study for pediatric intensivists, the importance of being mindful of renal function and fluid balance for ventilated patients, and areas that need further investigation.

Dr. Hames is an attending physician in the Division of Cardiovascular Critical Care in the Department of Cardiology at Boston Children’s Hospital and an instructor in the Department of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.



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