The Critical Care Societies Collaborative (CCSC) leverages its collective and multiprofessional expertise to optimize the care of critically ill and injured patients through communication, education, research, and advocacy. The CCSC comprises the four major U.S. professional and scientific societies with an interest in critical care:
Representing nearly 200,000 critical care professionals, the CCSC speaks with a unified voice to bring important issues to the forefront of the fields of both healthcare and in public policy.
The CCSC leadership meets in person and by conference call as necessary to conduct business. To keep the critical care community informed of CCSC activities, the presidents of the four societies often participate in a joint session at each society’s annual meeting.
The four sponsoring societies of the CCSC are nonprofit organizations under sections 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(6) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service code. The activities of the CCSC all further the charitable mission of the parent organizations. The CCSC is supported by staff of the four sponsoring societies. Click here to contact the CCSC.
Over the years, AACN, ATS, CHEST, and SCCM have worked together on various projects. It was not until workforce issues became a concern that the group began to coalesce. In 1995, the first joint workforce committee, Committee on Manpower for Pulmonary and Critical Care Societies (COMPACCS), was formed by ATS, CHEST, and SCCM. In 2001, the group called itself the Critical Care Workforce Partnership and expanded to include AACN. When the four societies began addressing more issues, the group referred to itself as the Quad Societies, the Critical Care Partnership, and finally the Critical Care Societies Collaborative. The CCSC is recognized by numerous U.S. government agencies and has a close working relationship with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The CCSC uses the collective wisdom and resources of the four societies to harmonize clinical practice and provide a unified voice in legislative and regulatory matters pertaining to optimizing high-value care, addressing workforce issues, improving patient and family care, and other matters.