SCCM is performing maintenance on its websites. For the best browsing experience, please use Microsoft Edge or Safari. Those using Chrome or Firefox may experience access issues at this time.

Upcoming Maintenance October 29 – November 5
SCCM websites and systems will be unavailable beginning at 5:30 p.m. Central Time on October 29, 2024, as SCCM performs major updates to its digital infrastructure to better serve members. Any website that requires an SCCM Customer ID and password to log in will be unavailable until November 5, 2024. SCCM Customer Service and Staff will have limited capabilities, and response times will be longer during this time.

Research Surveys

Individuals and institutions have the opportunity to disseminate research surveys.

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The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) offers a service to disseminate research surveys for individuals or institutions. 

Surveys are reviewed by the SCCM Scientific Review Committee. The following guidelines must be satisfied to receive approval for dissemination of a research-related survey.


To be considered for review, your survey must be:

  • Accompanied by a completed Survey Application upon submission
  • Received by SCCM at least 6 weeks prior to the requested survey publication date
  • No more than 25 questions in length
  • Clearly written, relevant, and concise
  • Addressed to a multiprofessional audience
A Guide to Surveys Provides Best Practices for Survey Development

Submission Requirements Checklist

Before submitting your survey, be certain that you have addressed the following requirements:
  • The application form is complete and includes a high level summary of the research activity and the rationale (i.e., purpose and aims) for conducting the study.
  • The above Review Prerequisites are satisfied.
  • The above Review Criteria are met.
  • An IRB letter of approval, exempt status, or “closed” status is included with the application for this project.
  • An electronic copy (.doc or .pdf) of the actual survey tool is included with the application.

Fee Structure

An invoice will be sent with notification of approval of survey dissemination. If the survey is not approved for dissemination, there is no fee.
  • If the survey is to be sent via direct email, the fee is $3,000 for SCCM members and $4,000 for nonmembers.

Submit a Research Survey Application

Please submit inquiries about surveys or completed survey applications to Chase Hamilton.