
Help ensure consistent, evidence-based care of critically ill and injured patients using the most up-to-date and relevant knowledge available.

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The Society of Critical Care Medicine's clinical practice guidelines are evidence-based statements that include recommendations intended to optimize patient care. They are informed by a systematic review of the evidence in published literature and assessment of the benefits and harms of different care options. Other considerations include patient values and preferences, costs, and resources. Guidelines must also be feasible and acceptable by various stakeholders.

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Submit a Guideline Topic Proposal

New guideline topics and revisions to current guidelines are prioritized according to relevance to SCCM's mission and to patients and their families, in addition to budgetary considerations. Guideline topic submitters need not be SCCM members.

Guidelines Development

Learn about the guidelines development process and find resources to assist guidelines leaders, panelists, and public members in the process.

Upcoming Guidelines

The following is a list of SCCM guidelines currently in the development process and their tentative publication years.

  • Adult ICU Triage Guidelines (2025)
  • Caring for Older Adults in the ICU Guideline (2025)
  • Heat-Related Injury and Illness Guideline (2025)
  • Managing Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) and PICS ‒ Family Guideline (2025)
  • Neonatal and Pediatric End-of-Life Care in the ICU Guideline (2025)
  • Sustained Neuromuscular Blockade in Adult Critically Ill Patients Guideline (2025)

All submissions for new guideline topics or updates to previously published guidelines must be submitted through the guideline proposal form.

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Have best practices on hand everywhere you go. SCCM guidelines are available within the SCCM App.

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