The submission period for the 2026 Critical Care Congress will begin in Spring 2025.
Why should you submit your abstract or case report?
SCCM members enjoy complimentary abstract and case report submission for the Critical Care Congress. The fee for nonmembers is $40 per submission and is nonrefundable. Join Today
Important Reminders About Your Submission
Eligibility Requirements
Review Process
Alterations and Withdrawals
Accepted abstracts and case reports will be published as submitted in the January supplement to the journal Critical Care Medicine. SCCM does not edit or proofread abstracts or case reports. By saving each task you complete in the submission process, you can log off and return to continue your work at another time. You can edit and revise your abstract or case report online as much as you wish until the submission deadline. Once it is formally submitted, corrections cannot be made. No edits or corrections can be made once the journal supplement is published.
Submissions may be withdrawn until 12:00 noon Central Time on October 9, 2024. All withdrawals must be submitted here.
The submitting author will be notified via email of the submission’s acceptance or rejection in October 2024. Please ensure that the first author’s email address is included with the submission. All notifications and correspondence will be directed to the first author. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to confirm that all author email addresses are current at the time of submission to ensure that any notifications sent by SCCM are received. All decisions made by the Congress Program Committee are final.
Complimentary Congress Registration
Complimentary registration will be offered only to the individual listed as the first author of the accepted abstract. This individual must be an SCCM Sponsored Trainee or SCCM healthcare professional member (Select, Professional, or Associate level). Post-training attending physicians, SCCM nonmembers, and authors submitting case reports are ineligible. To be eligible for complimentary registration, the individual must have been an SCCM member before August 1, 2024, and their membership must be active through Congress (February 25, 2025). If you are not currently a member and would like to become eligible for complimentary registration, join SCCM online no later than 11:59 p.m. Central Time on Wednesday, July 31, 2024. Complimentary registration decisions will be communicated in October/November 2024.
Important Dates
Nomination-Based Awards
On acceptance, your abstract or case report may be considered for an award. Abstract- and case-report-based awards are given to the first author of the abstract or case report. All authors of an abstract or case report will be notified if their submission receives an award. For more information, contact SCCM Customer Service.
Star Research Award Recipients
The top-scoring abstracts are selected for Star Research Presentations in Connections Central (Exhibit Hall). From these abstracts, the In-Training and Early-Stage Researcher awards are given. These awards require an application. Applications are available online within the abstract submission system. Recipients of the In-Training and Early-Stage Researcher awards receive $2,500 and a personalized commemorative plaque.
Early-Stage Researcher Award: Criteria
In-Training Award: Criteria
From the remaining abstracts, the following awards are given:
Research Snapshot Awards
Authors of abstracts that were not accepted for Star Research Presentations make short presentations facilitated by a moderator in the Research Snapshot Theaters in Connections Central (Exhibit Hall). Additionally, the abstracts with the top 30 scores in this category receive the following awards:
Case Report Snapshot Awards
Authors of accepted case reports make short presentations facilitated by a moderator in the Research Snapshot Theaters located in Connections Central (Exhibit Hall). Additionally, the top three case reports receive the following awards:
Hector R. Wong Award for Precision Medicine in Sepsis
First authors of abstracts submitted in the precision medicine in sepsis category who are SCCM members will be considered for this award. The award recipient will be recognized during the Abstracts Award Presentation at Congress and will receive a plaque and $1000.
Congress Scholarships
SCCM specialty sections offer a $500 scholarship for a section member. The application is completed during the submission process. The applicant must:
Additionally, the abstract should:
Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology Section Awards
Patient Safety and Early-Stage Researcher Award: Criteria
Innovations in Patient and Medication Safety Award: Criteria
Eligibility Requirements for Abstract and Case Report Reviewers
The submission period is open and ends August 1, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. noon Central Time.
How to Access the Submission Site
Step 1: Create Abstract or Case Report Submission
Step 2: Title
The title should be entered in title case and contain 100 characters or less.
Step 3: Submission Format
Step 4: Submission Category
Step 5: Content
Step 6: Authors
Please ensure that the submitter’s email address is included with the submission. All notifications and correspondence will be directed to the first author.
Please note: The order in which authors are listed when submitted is final. Be sure to double-check that this information is correct. Also, only accepted abstracts whose first authors are SCCM members at the time of submission in one of the following categories will receive complimentary registration: sponsored trainee, dietitian, nurse, pharmacist, or respiratory therapist. Complimentary registration is not transferrable.
Step 7: Categories
Step 8: Ethics Agreement
Step 9: Program Director Information Form
Step 10: Congress Scholarships (Abstract Submissions Only)
Step 11: Abstract Award Applications (Abstract Submissions Only)
Step 12: Abstract Award Application Upload(s)
Step 13: Submit and Preview Submission
Preview allows you to review the information entered during each task of the submission process.
All submissions should conform to the following content structure and formatting guidelines. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a low score and may cause your submission to be disqualified.
Case Reports