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SCCM Pod-236 Are Pediatric Intensivists Changing Their Transfusion Practices?

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Margaret Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with Jacques R. Lacroix, MD, about the article, "Survey on Stated Transfusion Practices in Pediatric Intensive Care Units," published in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Lacroix helped conduct a study among North American and European pediatric intensivists to find that stated transfusion practice patterns appear to be evolving toward a more restrictive approach two and a half years after the publication of the Transfusion Requirement in PICU trial. Dr. Lacroix is professor of Pediatrics at the University of Montreal and chair of acute care access at Sainte-Justine Hospital in Montreal, Quebec.

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Category: PCCM Podcast




Knowledge Area: Pediatrics Hematology