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Before Michael J. Waxman, MBA, MD, FCCM, heads out to teach an FCCS course, he goes into his attic, where his simulation and teaching equipment is stored. He selects what he needs among the mannequins, defibrillators, ventilators, and other supplies, packs it all into his car, and hits the road.
Dr. Waxman first began teaching FCCS courses in 2008. Since then, his course calendar, love of teaching—and supply of mannequins—has exploded. Fifteen years ago, Dr. Waxman was director of the intensive care units (ICUs) at a hospital in the Kansas City area when a nurse asked if he would consider becoming an FCCS course director to teach the courses locally. So he took SCCM’s two-day FCCS course and then began teaching it, soon offering it three or four times a year. “I didn’t have the backing of any university or hospital,” Dr. Waxman said. “I would look to various places that I had relationships with, ask the hospitals to see if I could borrow some space, and then I would advertise both locally and nationally.”
Posted: 2/9/2023 | 0 comments
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