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Tag: Ethics And End Of Life

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SCCM Pod-41 CCM: Tough Decisions at the End of Life

Douglas White, MD, discusses his article in the August issue of Critical Care Medicine, "Decisions to Limit Life-Sustaining Treatment for Critically Ill Patients Who Lack Both Decision-Making Capacity and Surrogate Decision Makers."

SCCM Pod-72 PCCM: Family Presence During Pediatric CPR

Susan Bratton, MD, MPH, discusses an editorial published in the September 2006 issue of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, "Physician Experience with Family Presence During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation."

SCCM Pod-75 CCM: Spiritual Care in the ICU

Richard J. Wall, MD, MPH, and Nancy Chambers, MDiv, discuss an article published in the April issue of Critical Care Medicine titled, "Spiritual Care of Families in the ICU." 

SCCM Pod-85 PCCM: Organ Donation After Cardiac Death - Part 1

Peter C. Laussen, MD, discusses an article published in the May 2007 issue of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, titled "Pediatric Staff Perspectives on Organ Donation After Cardiac Death in Children."

SCCM Pod-88 PCCM: Organ Donation After Cardiac Death - Part 2

Martha A.Q. Curley, RN, PhD, discusses an article published in the May 2007 issue of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, "Pediatric Staff Perspectives on Organ Donation after Cardiac Death in Children."

SCCM Pod-90 New End-of-Life Guidelines

Robert D. Truog, MD, MA, discusses new guidelines published in the March 2008 issue of Critical Care Medicine, "Recommendations for End-of-Life Care in the ICU."

SCCM Pod-114 CCM: Why Not Physician-Assisted Death

Constantine A. Manthous, MD, associate clinical professor of medicine at Bridgeport Hospital and Yale University School of Medicine in Connecticut, discusses his article published in the April 2009 issue of Critical Care Medicine, “Why Not Physician-Assisted Death?”

SCCM Pod-134 CCM: Resolving End-of-Life Conflicts in the ICU

John M. Luce, MD, FCCM, discusses his latest article, “A History of Resolving Conflicts Over End-of-Life Care in Intensive Care Units in the United States,” published in the August 2010 issue of Critical Care Medicine.

SCCM Pod-191 CCM: Perceptions of Organ Donation

Michael Weinstein, MD, FACS, FCCP, speaks with Joanne L. Hart, MD, about her article published in the September Critical Care Medicine, “Perceptions of Organ Donation After Circulatory Determination of Death Among Critical Care Physicians and Nurses: A National Survey.”

SCCM Pod-262 44th Critical Care Congress: End-of-Life Costs and Logistics

Ludwig H. Lin, MD, speaks with Dan R. Thompson, MD, MA, MCCM, Professor of Surgery, Anesthesiology, and Bioethics at Albany Medical College in Albany, New York. Dr. Thompson discusses end-of-life decision-making and “Substituted Judgment: Who Speaks for This Patient?” which he presented at the 44th Critical Care Congress in Phoenix, Arizona.

SCCM Pod-286 Clinical Practice Guideline on Management of the Critically Ill Organ Donor

Michael S. Weinstein, MD, FACS, FCCM, speaks with Gerard J. Fulda, MD, about the guideline, “Management of the Potential Organ Donor in the ICU: Society of Critical Care Medicine/American College of Chest Physicians/Association of Organ Procurement Organizations Consensus Statement,” published in Critical Care Medicine.

Texas In-Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders: New Law, New Changes

In-hospital do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders in the State of Texas have faced much tighter regulation since April 2018. With Senate Bill 11, both the meaning of a DNR order and the circumstances in which it can be entered are now more tightly defined.