SCCM Account Access
SCCM recently updated its digital infrastructure. If you want to register for Congress and you have an existing SCCM account, and have not logged in since November 1, 2024, you will need to create an account with the email address associated with your previous SCCM account. Learn more about SCCM account access here.
Some website functionality may be limited as improvements continue. Please ensure you are logged in for the best experience.
Each year, approximately 790,000 patients in the United States develop acute respiratory failure that requires intubation and mechanical ventilation. Host Ludwig H. Lin, MD, is joined by Gintas P. Krisciunas, MPH, MA, to explore whether a modifiable risk factor, endotracheal tube size, is associated with the diagnosis of postextubation aspiration in survivors of acute respiratory failure (Krisciunas G et al. Crit Care Med. 2020;48:1604-1611). Gintas P. Krisciunas is a research assistant professor of otolaryngology at Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.