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SCCM Pod-358 Liberal Glycemic Control in Critically Ill Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

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Ludwig Lin, MD, speaks with Palash Kar, MBBS, about the article, “Liberal Glycemic Control in Critically Ill Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: An Exploratory Study," published in Critical Care Medicine. In this article, Dr. Kar and coauthors found that in critically ill patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic hyperglycemia, liberal glycemic control appears to attenuate glycemic variability and may reduce the prevalence of moderate-severe hypoglycemia. Dr. Kar is a senior registrar in intensive care at Royal Adelaide Hospital in South Australia. Dr. Kar has no relevant disclosures. Crit Care Med. 2016; 44(9):1695-1703. Released: 1/25/18



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